Session 27

General Summary

After the invasion from the underdark was stopped by the heroes, they took a well needed rest. Word quickly spread of their actions, and they were soon heralded as folk heroes among many. They were gifted rooms at the Gilded Pegasus, a swanky inn near the main bridge to Castle Never. After several days recovering, they each set out on their own to accomplish their own goals.   Cyril made immedietly for the House of Knowledge where he paid for a membership to gain entrance (in addition to his fame). He met with the Master Librarian Caeldrim Erenaeth, who told Cyril that the vision he had was of Leshanna, whom they call the lady of wood. Caeldrim explained that the lady, whose origins they know not of, often appears during times of great calamity, choosing heroes endowed with great power, to save the land from destruction. He revealed a book to Cyril that contains the writings of those heroes who had seen the lady before. As Cyril read the book throughout the day, he finally came upon the last entry, most recently written, that spoke of a vision of a Black Greatwyrm devouring the life of the Sword Coast, to grow more powerful, eventually consuming the whole of Faerun. In the vision, the life of Faerun was extracted from the land and gathered into a dragon skull shaped crystal where it was consumed by the dragon. The writer also wrote of how four artifacts of great power were the only thing the wyrm feared, and that four heroes were needed to weild them. Cyril spoke with the Master Librarian again, but had no more information to give at that time, but they would talk soon.   Jorn returned to Fargrim and Haralds Hammer and Flail to retrieve his axe. Seeking to improve it further he learned from Fargrim that a dwarven smith named Gorvath Broodfist, who owned a shop near the chasm, may be able to help him. Jorn travelled their immedietly and hired the dwarf for 10,000 embers (100gp) if he could complete the repairs tomorrow. Jorn them wondered the roads look for neirdowells, and found some in the form of a gangster named Greeza's goons. He managed to save a gnome from her half orc enforcers and drove them off by shear intimidation alone. After giving the gnome, a man named Gimble, 300 embers, he tracked the halforcs to house in the east city where he found a trap door leading down into the undercity, where the hangsters must have fled. Jorn, hating tunnels and closed spaces, chose not to pursue.   Kravek scoured the docks looking for the two orc women no one had seen since there arrival in Neverwinter. He finally learned from someone that two orc women had been seen travelling north along the coast with a sack of things. He went north along the coast but did not succeed in tracking the two women. He then met a fisherman named Bertrand who told him about the Pirate Skyhold over head, and all the lyths and legends surrounding it, including tales of a dragon hoard, the undead, or who knows what else. Kravek immedietly decided to climb the giant chain keeping the island from flaoting away, and after a great deal of difficulty, managed to pull himself all two hundred feet up to the floating island. He soon learned that the island was infested by pirate zombies and Kravek fought his away through a horde with significant ease. Then, he was confornted by the pirates spectral king, wearing a golden crown. Kravek managed to slay it as well, and took the spirits Crown of Blasting for himself, but not before an errant cast of scorching ray from the crown started a fire, quickly swallowing the hold pirate hold in flames. With crown in hand, Kravek walked slowly through the smoke, hoped back on to the giant chain, and slid down to safety.

Rewards Granted

  • Kravek looted some money from skyhold zombie pirates and took a crown of blasting from the pirate king after slaying it. 
  • Jorn finally got his axe back from the blacksmith he paid to repair it.
  • Cyril purchased an annual membership to the House of KNowledge.
  • Kravek bought some javelins.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Cyril found the elves the mysterious woman had told him to find, and learned about the vision of the black greatwyrm.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Caeldrim Erenaeth, Master Librarian
  • Ivellios, a librarian
  • Nicholas Bertrand, an old fisherman
  • Gorvath Broodfist, a skilled blacksmith that runs a shop near the chasm
  • Reeza, a gangster in the chasm district whose half orc goons extort from the denizens of the poor district.
  • Korag, one of Reeza's henchmen

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