Session 24

General Summary

Kravek awoke in a strange place, where the trees stretched hundreds of feet into the sky and the mountains seemed to reach across the astral plane itself. Enormous reptiles, all larger then him, roamed the land. Jorn was nearby, but to him, he saw no trees or mountains. He saw only the crampped tunnels of some kind of burrowing monster, and he could hear it coming. They could see, hear and communicate with eachother as if they were in the same place, but to each of the two men, they were somewhere else entirely.    They were attacled by a group of beast soon after their arrival. To Kravek, he saw tremendous dinosaurs, far larger then himself. Jorn saw great worms with sharp circular teeth that grappled him and attempted to swallow him whole. They managed to slay the monsters narrowly and proceeded to explore this strange place they did not understand. They learned soon that this world could be manipulated in some ways by their own thoughts, so they used that to their advantage to summon items and powers that normally would be impossible on the material plane.    They were later approached, Kravek by his sister, and Jorn by the owlbear cub he had befriended, and were told by the visions that their minds had been invaded by a monster that was slowly devouring them, and that they must find it and kill it before it was to late.   After another battle with the dinosaur/worm creatures, they reached the city of Niverwinter, only it was abandoned and void of all life. Sensing the creature was nearby, Jorn imagined himself at the height of his powers, and suddenly he and Kravek leveled up to level 20, just as a Terrasque smashed through the city wall, attempting to rend this world assunder and destroy them both. Jorn grew angel wings and flew high above the Terrasque, but it too sprouted dragon wings and took the the sky. Kravek battled it with his sword but was swallowed by the creature. Jorn doon followed inot the bell of the beast, only to portal them both to saftey. Kravek finally slew the beast from within, expelling the psychic monster invading their minds in the process.   They awoke to a very concerned looking Cyril Svarog looking over them in the barracks infirmary.

Sorrow Flew on Black Wings
Report Date
17 Oct 2023

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