1.9 Damned, and Back From Hell

General Summary

After the battle with Eledin and the death of Roy, the spectator Abraxis disappeared, his master having been slain and no longer bound to the plane. The strangers take some time to search Eledin's study, discovering a number of books of particular interest concerning herbology, wild magic, and religion. They also discover the body of a young woman similar in appearance to banshee Jorn had fought near the church. It appears that Eledin had killed her after all.   After a thorough plundering, they travel through a tunnel away from Eledin's lair and find a ladder upwards through a stone tower shaft of some kind. The long climb leads them eventually into a series of caves and mines. They soon meet a new adventurer in the caves and he joins their party. There is an abandoned mining camp near the shaft they climbed out of, and they decide to take a long rest their and continue in the morning.    The next day, they continue through the mines and discover an ancient throne room lit with torches. At the center a circle of devil worshippers have gathered around a fire performing a ceremony to summon a devil. Cyril tries to pass himself off as Eledin and talks to the worshippers, but they see through his ruse and a fight breaks out. Things are going well untill a series of hold person spells are cast and several of the party members are nearly killed. The fire grows in strength, and after a few moments, a devil emerges in the flames but joins the strangers against the devil worshippers. After the battle, they realize that the devil is none other then a fiendish recarnation of Roy, their former companion, who has become a hellbound in service to his warlock patron.    Jorn smites him, killing him instantly, but he only reappears moments later. The adventurer they have just met is killed. The party is distrustful of the 'new roy', who they learn is not Roy at all, as he has recovered his memory and now knows that he 'was' Jacob. The party decides on a long rest at the abandoned mining camp in the adjacent cavern and will continue exploring in the morning.


Day 3-morning

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