1.10 Through the Mines

General Summary

The adventurers explore the throne room and discover a hidden passage behind the throne. The two stone statues come alive and demand they answer three questions to gain passage. They manage to answer the questions and do not fight the guardians.   They explore the hallway beyond and manage to breakthrough a sealed-up wall that leads them back into one of the mine shafts. As they make their way farther through the mine, they are attacked by a basilisk, and Kravek and Jacob are nearly turned to stone, but Jorn manages to slay it, and Kravek and Roy manage to save against petrification.   They find, at the end of the east tunnel, a boat and a pool of water that smells strangely of sulphur. They decide against exploring further and head in the other direction. They enter a massive cavern where mine tracks head down a tunnel, seemingly leaving the mine. The cavern drops off into a chasm with an old broken bridge, that looks less then safe to use. They search some crates nearby for supplies and contemplate their next move. Piercers consistently fall from the cavern ceiling whenever the move around the cave.


Day 3

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