1.8 Fireside Chat with a Spectator

General Summary

Eledin was very unhappy to say the least that Cyril had lit his necrotic battery on fire, and was strongly considering dispatching Cyril and Jorn then and there. They eventually made a deal to slay a green dragon dwelling in a tower nearby that he could use as a powerful battery to replace the one that was destroyed. He was t hen drawn away by an alarm spell that activated from his underground study and he vanished, teleporting away from the two strangers.   Roy and Kravek appeared in a wizards lair, surrounded by books and all other manner of sorcerous things. Gaurding it all was a spectator beholder that introduced himself as Abraxis and who was in the service of Eledin, watching over the wizards lair. Roy had a long and thoughtful disussion with the monster about it not killing them, which it was conflicted about, ultimately not deciding to fight them. Then the wizard appeared.   Eledin was not pleased at all that they had intruded on his study. There was a tense conversation, Roy said something clever, and a fight broke out. Abraxis would have joined the battle, except he became frightened and fled away, hiding upstairs and never came to Eledins aid. Cyril and Jorn arrived to help with the fight, but Eledin was powerful. Too powerful.   A blast of green necrotic energy erupted from the necromancers fingers, striking Roy with life searing force, ripping his soul from his body and flinging it into the outerplanes, where the tendrils of hell took him down to Avernus as payment for the pact he had made with a fiend.   Jorn slew the wizard with a mighty blow from his axe, and it was over. The room was silent once more.


Day 2

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