1.12 Emerging from Darkness

General Summary

After the battle with the demon and the disappearance of Jacob, Cyril, Kravek and Jorn spend the next few hours resting. After a number of hours, they discuss their next move and decide to follow the minecart tracks away from the cavern, in hopes that it will lead them out of the mine. They have no idea when or if Jacob will return, and don't really trust him anyways so there is little debate about it.   They follow the tracks for hours as it winds around endless tunnels and caves, but they manage to stay on course, and many hours later, passed nightfall, they emerge from the underground and catch sight of the world outside them. Cyril knows very quickly that they are on the other side of the Sword Mts and can see Phandalin off in the distance. They travel down into the foothills a few miles and come across a band of men with crossbows drawn and demand to know their business. Cyril is less diplomatic then normal, and a fight breaks out with the men. Cyril is nearly killed by the bandit captain, but they are ultimately victorious.   After the battle, they plan to search the camp and rest until morning.

Missions/Quests Completed

Escaped the mountain mines.


Day 3

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