1.7 Howls of the Dead

General Summary

The old mans name is Eledin, and he invites them to his farm nearby to talk. The party is very suspicious of him but follows him anyways, except for Jorn who is drawn north by a divine sense. He soon finds an abandoned church that was once a temple to the god Hoar, and Jorn learns that Hoar, the god of vengeance, is the source of his power. Hoar also tells him that the man he is looking for, his name is Roy Hutchinson.   Meanwhile, Eledin meets with the others, who learn he is a wizard. Eledin offers to help them with Grujell if they will help him in dispatching an evil spirit that dwells in the church nearby. Realizing that Jorn is likely there, they quickly leave Eledins farm and head north to help Jorn with the Banshee.   The Banshee appears to Jorn by the chapel and says a old man murdered her and she must have revenge against him. Jorn fights her as the others arrive, and the banshee wails, dropping half the party instantly. Jorn manages to slay the banshee, and once the battle is over, turns his ire to Roy. A scuffle ensues but is broken up and Roy and Kravek head back to Eledins farm. Jorn and Cyril discover a dead rotting corpse hanging in the well and set it on fire, only to find Eledins there, angry and ominous. Meanwhile Roy and Kravek discover a hidden room in Eledins house with a portal which they take to an unknown location.

Rewards Granted

Level 3

Missions/Quests Completed

Killed the banshee


Day 2

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