2.17 The Woman upon the Water

General Summary

Travelling north along the river bank, the party is attacked by a massive Roc which swoops down from the sky and scoops half of them up in its talons. A frantic battle through the air ensues as they try to escape. They ultimately manage to free themselves from its grasp and baddly wound the creature, that eventually flies off to lick its wounds.    Shortly after, they see the ominous figure of a woman walking slowly across the surface of the water, with a black poisonous taint seeping into the blue waters wherever she walked. She introduces herself to them, and they soon realize that she is the Queen of Sorrows herself. She invites them to visit her at her tower, and she will bestow them with great power. She transforms into the collosal form on an ancient black dragon to show them her power. Jacob makes a wisecrack and she instantly kills him with her acid breathe.   Sent back to hell again, Melanthia tells Jacob that she can no longer afford to keep bring him back. He must now harvest 7 souls for her from the material plane. One per day, in order to gain back her favor.


Day 7

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