1.15 The Heart of the Bluescales

General Summary

As war raged all around them, lightning from the skies struck the ground and fire erupted from the ground. Kravek and Grujell were together in a ring of fire, and the orc taunted him and laughed. Kravek struck out with his axe, his fury raging, desperate to slay this last enemy. Grujell was strong, perhaps too strong, and it seemed as if he may defeat the last bluescale and make all for not. Kravek was struck down, but in that final hour, he saw the spirit of his sister come to him and give him power. He renewed the fight and last, he felled the orcish warchief, and became Kravek, the slayer of Grujell. The last orcs remaining fled the field in disarray, and the defenders were victorious. Sorrowhold, atleast for now, was safe at last.   There was a great celebration that night, and Kravek and Cyril attempted to woo Linene Greywind and Taryn, a ranger recently arrived from Neverwinter, in search of them (it is a matter of some debate whether Kravek knew he was wooing anyone or not, though he seemed to have more success then the druid.) In the morning, they planned to leave Sorrowhold with the ranger and her companions, planning to head north around the mountains instead of through the poison fields.   Jorn collected some 40 axes from the battlefield which he inteneded to sell at the next opportunity.

Rewards Granted

Level 5

Missions/Quests Completed

Kravek slew Grujell and avenged the bluescales.   The people of Sorrowhold were saved from the orc army.


Day 5

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