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Space Oddities

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Echospace
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Quartermaster Beldani
    Beldani is tired. He has long, straight brown hair that flows backwards from the ridged horns that grow around his head, sprouting from the brow ridge on his oblong, fanciable face. His skin is rough with reddish hues, and he has an unkempt beard. He is impulsive, can't keep a secret, but as the quartermaster of the Prima Diana he is in charge of the crew's welfare on the ship
  • Captain Canopus Carinae
    A highly charismatic Sylph who rose through the ranks of the Dunamic Defence Corps to become one of its leading infiltrators. Very fond of playing the Lyre, less fond of wearing shirts (they block his wings)
  • Commander Evelyn Ashglade
    A strong woman with fiery red hair and pale skin, Evelyn has strength in mind, body and soul. She was formerly a part of a monastic order where she bonded with a spirit of dreams that grants her the ability to communicate telepathically with others. She is currently the second in command of the Prima Diana, a ship in the Dunamic Defence Corps.

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 13th February 2023 19:00

Chapter 1: The Grand Duchy of Kalabar

The blue star fire recently streaked across the skies of Kalabar, changing the lives of two of its residents for good. Now, they're looking to leave their town and the Dunamic Defence Corps has sent a ship to investigate - this could be their moment.

Space - the distance between objects, the distance between people. When mundane lives are illuminated by streaking comets of blue flame across the night sky, something deep inside them awakens. From a long slumber, their true selves come to the surface and seek an escape.   A band of five find themselves thrust into a tale fallen stars and must navigate distances both physical and emotional to find their way home - wherever that may truly be.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Jet Levi

Tretten av Tolv

Temperence Cozar

Major Ursa