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S.17. Fishy Happenings Report

General Summary

The party has returned to Eadro's temple which they have found to be empty. As they investigated the surrounding area, they discovered strange markings on the coral near the water. Upon closer inspection, they realized the markings were likely made by the same creature they encounter at the shipwreck they passed a day ago.    Folke Ramsay and Gazpacho  discovered the Locathah had hidden themselves in an underwater cavern from a monster they called "The Gulper" and that Eadro had not been seen since its arrival. When they went topside to inform the party, they were attacked by the very same beast.   Current in-game date: 28th of Second Seed 446IIE   Next Session: Tuesday, October 6, 2020   Session Question: What do you think you will find in Pelos?

Missions/Quests Completed

God Creator 

Expedition Enterprise
Report Date
06 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Manitois Reef
Secondary Location
Cadorimar Bay

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