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Atlas Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Atlas
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Supporting Cast
  • Bertrand
    knows how to have a good time with partying; calm cool and collective, never threatened. Very powerful from his looks; unknown of his class. He is a seventh generation member of his family in the guild as well as a guild co-leader.
  • Naivara's coworker/ University Professor (History) Birel Galanodel
    Elf; Blonde hair with silk white clothing; big bright blue eyes like gems; snow white skin. Talks very nobleish if she wasn't slurring her words and talking blasphemy.
  • Caravanner Cade Tealeaf
    Halfling; Wears a green beret with his curly brown hair sticking out the side. Big brown eyes that shimmer with intense innocence and goodness. His light tan skin contrasts to the matching green vest to his beret with a pure white long sleeve underneath. Most of the time has the sleeves rolled up.
  • Casca
    Friend and lover of Guts, originally from the band of the Hawks before they were eradicated.
  • Dain Keenseeker
    Operates the grand elevator on the West side. He sees a lot that happens in the city but says nothing to the authorities.
  • Dornini Windjaw
    Frail old lady troll that is the owner of the Lengthy Foot. She out by checking people in at night to the hotel. In the morning she sets up the stall of food in front.
  • Jaida Windjaw
    She helps her mother, Dornini Windjaw with the Lengthy foot in the morning and at night decides to help out with the vegetable stand outside.
  • Captain Meliodas Dundragon
    Captain in the human/dwarf military guard on the first ring of the capital.
  • Nikolaus
    Pump/Guard inside of Apollo's Brothel, The Great Arm. Halfling who has high respect for Apollo.
  • Tyrone
    Member/Guard in the Dragon's Bane Guild.
  • Valanthe
    Call girl at Apollo's brothel, The Great Arm. Has a little crush on Apollo, but plays it off as her personality.

Sessions Archive

28th Mar 2024

Session 36: Ripples In Reality Appear Part 2

Do or die, who will survive the calamity Tiamat as some unexpected twists are on the rise...

21st Mar 2024

Session 35: Ripples In Reality Appear

With the end of a hard long fought battle there is only one task left, stop the summoning of Tiamat and save the Princess Usagi.

14th Mar 2024

Session 34: The Colors of Evil

As the party met with nasty looking foes, Abishais, and have a barrier in front of them, they are having trouble with thoughts in there head about the bloodline of Locus. What will happen at this time...

7th Mar 2024

Session 33: Pits of Hell

With an easy defeat of the high ranking devil, the party sits in front of the rubble of their fallen enemies with only the ways of their blood sweat and tears fighting the relentless horde of the dungeon...

29th Feb 2024

Session 32: Black and Blue

With the two crystals obtained from the reaches of the dungeon, the party is on their next step of the dungeon. However, something has caught the eye of most members and they will most likely pursue this side journey to fill the greed of their pockets.

22nd Feb 2024

Session 31: Dark Corners of the World

With the party now having the third key they are looking for the fourth one needing to retrieve it to get to Tiamat. With now ideas of where the keys may be, they decide to delve deeper into the dungeon looking for answers.

13th Feb 2024

Session 30: Blood on Their Hands

Pushing through obstacle after obstacle, killing goblins, dragons, and even themselves, the party has now reached a new part of the dungeon, the armory where they have met the Fat Blacksmith, Sebastian the Goblin. What is in store for the party?

8th Feb 2024

Session 29: Lingering Foes

As the party now facing with appears to be their first major puzzle of the dungeon, they are face with a task that will push them not away, but closer to the answers and the source of the Tiamat resurrection.

2nd Feb 2024

Session 28: Pits of Hell

With the the church of Asmodeus giving them the location of a dungeon what path will the party face? Will they go in and explore or just turn back before the fun begins.

23rd Jan 2024

Session 27: Brother in Arms

With the group making their way into the Dragon's Bane, they stumble upon what appears to be the local leaders having a meeting on the second floor. What are they talking about as the group makes there way forward to interject...

16th Jan 2024

Session 26: A New Ark and a New Dawn

With the party fully rested, they begin their adventure to the unknown lands of Asgard with little time to spare with one goal in mind: defeat all the stand in their way.

10th Jan 2024

Session 25: Master and Apprentice

After the party fought with their last breath has now overcome the deranged Goblin King, Batiri, and with him knocked down to his knees he is succumbed to defeat. Now met with a room full of corpses and the party needing of healing what will the party do now with the Goblin King as well as the remains of the once known Apollo Leonidis.

3rd Jan 2024

Session 24: The Darkness Lingers

As an interesting turn of events happened with Asmodeus and the King Lancelot, the party decides to delve back into the depths of the dungeon. What will the party find and what does Sir Apollo's foresight have to offer the party.

27th Dec 2023

Session 23: Deal with the Devil

With the party now facing the wraith of King Lancelot, they only have two options at this point, fight or flight; what will become of the decision made? The party is met with un-peculiar figure however...

20th Dec 2023

Session 22: The Moon Shines Anew

Through the hard fought battles that the party has fought and now taking down one of the top enemies in the Masked Lady, Lilith, they are now facing of task of either finding their beloved Caide or will they be going back to the Royal family with the Anicent Artifact General Bow of Phobos?

13th Dec 2023

Session 21: Golden Molten Lakes

With the defeated Brahma, the once hero of this land, at the feet of the party what will happen now? Sir Apollo knows that he is connected to the Glass covering the Ancient Weapon but will this be enough to make Apollo slay the legend?

8th Dec 2023

Session 20: Darkness Within The Light

As the party has adventured deeper down into the caverns they've run across a couple obstacles in the way, but they seem to have gotten to their destination without any hitch. Now as the party has collected there there trophies of loot what will happen to the party next will they keep adventuring or will they stop here?

29th Nov 2023

Session 19: Enemies in the Shadows of the Tomb

Feeling the cold air of the dungeon hitting their face they will be tackling, the team and the comrades that followed them into the darkness. What will come of the dungeons, will they find the General Bow of Phobos?

25th Nov 2023

Session 18: Brightened Lights and Shimmering Scales

With our newly founded Princess joining the fray, the party has found themselves in a predicament surrounded by a Golden Ancient Dragon, and the Royal Knights. What will happen to the party now? What do they have in store?

15th Nov 2023

Session 17: Golden Chalice and Platinum Moons

With the tiring crossing of the desert, the party has set up shop inside of Liung District to get info about the whereabouts of the Drow and their plot to securing the General Bow of General Phobos. While setting up shop the visions of new acquaintances is over the horizon shimmering brightly.

1st Nov 2023

Session 16: The Scorching Sands of Jeriah

With our party happily resting outsides the sands of Jeriah Desert, the sun will start a new day with a new adventure to come. With little time till the festival where the Masked Lady have planned a devious plan, what will come of the party and will this be a short trip?

25th Oct 2023

Session 15: A New Chapter Begins

As the story begins a new chapter our adventurers are about to set off on their new journey into the desert land...

11th Oct 2023

Session 14: Lost Hope is Vanquished

After the two major groups the IRT and The Masked Lady now coming face to face who will win the fight; Admiral Vergo or Edrazel and Itatchi, only way to find out is to clash swords...

4th Oct 2023

Session 13: A Race Against Time

As the party has now discovered the plot for the enemies, they must lay low and hope that the enemy does not catch onto their plans. As they are all separated from one another they can tell that what is going on is very serious and must be reported. Who will save them this time those might be asking? Who knows at this current time.

30th Sep 2023

Session 12: Lets have ourselves an adventure

As the party goes onto bed and has dreams of the adventure to come they are soon to be met by the world. What is out their, most have not left the capital in some time so the world may be different than it was before.

20th Sep 2023

Session 11: The Race Against Time

The party has now reached a pinnacle point in their story; meeting one of the admirals in the IRT military, Admiral Vergo and his right hand man Vice Admiral Bogard now given the task of our party to adventure out and find the drow group also known as the Masked Ladies. Who are they? What do they want? Only time will tell...

13th Sep 2023

Session 10: Darkness Engulfs All

After the party now faced with decisions... after watching the fearless Sir Bertrand get ripped apart in front of their eyes by Lolth what will be the plan? Escaping almost seems necessary at this point...

7th Sep 2023

Session 9: The Web's of Disaster are Woven

As the party has fought for endless hours striking down all in their path, they have reached what seems to be an important room that will unlock the secrets of the past or maybe the future... Future investigation is needed in order to find this out

29th Aug 2023

Session 8: Misty Shadows

As the party has struck down all in their path, and have even gathered back with their ally, Sir Bertrand, now look into the depths of the cave where the unknown still lingers. Will they find their way or turn back now?

22nd Aug 2023

Session 7: The Widow's Den

As our party did not make it a quiet entrance into the den of the enemies they have reached a pinnacle moment; what will happen to the party? The each passing moment is a essential to their survival and lets hope they proceed...

17th Aug 2023

Session 6: Darkness's Clutch

As the party has now adventured into unknown territory, Dark Elves seem to be popping up more commonly since the party has arrived in the city. Now that they have found what seems to be a hideout for the adventurers what will happen next?

9th Aug 2023

Session 5: Stars Dwindle, Paths Allign

As the enemy has crept to the footsteps of our new founded party, The Broken Wrists, Guts has the ashes of his fallen lover that he just met back up with. The party enjoying themselves as they all feast the night away but darkness is about to engulf them.

3rd Aug 2023

Session 4: Ying and Yang; Friend or Foe?

The party finds themselves inside the stadium with the infamous co-leader of the Dragon's Bane, Bertrand, who is about to get into a heated battle with the recruitment of new members to the guild... will they prove they are willing to succeed the challenge.

27th Jul 2023

Session 3: New Day, New Stories

As the party is starting to wake up after an eventful first day in Atlas, they find themselves to a warmth inside the inn. For those who didn't stay must meet up with the rest now that there is a lingering foe amongst them...

21st Jul 2023

Session 2: Celebrations That Touch The Stars

As you celebrate a major battle from the unknown enemy, Lillith, you begin to party with the your newly founded acquaintances that helped you in the fight. As the celebration begins you find yourself inside of the Banjo and Zigzag...

13th Jul 2023

Session 1: The Start of Something New

As everyone makes their way to the capital, the joy of the capital ready to celebrate such a great achievement; the era of the Elf 750 years has finished. Through all walks of life coming to gather, the shadows of those slipping from the unwatchful eye planning the unknown; or maybe just hiding from their wives heading to the brothels. Only time will tell.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Sir Cyrus Drachedandion

Naivara Galanodel

Apollo Leonidis


8 / 8 HP
