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Session 7: Lycans and Lunacy

General Summary

We open on the beginning of a week-long festival, and the party is told that at the end of which, there will be a parade in their honor. The many members of the party worked on their own individual tasks, be it research, crafting, or simply enjoying the festivities. It was in the process of enjoying the festivities that Thorkin met Dimsyl Thraemnag, a young female Dwarf whose family ran a bakery in the city, and Thorkin was then in love. The time eventually came for the parade, and Grey had left the city, as he didn't like the crowds. Mid-way through the parade, Abdul Shehadeh and his men halted the parade, where Abdul unceremoniously executed King Mukhtar Batem, and the city fell into chaos. It was moments later that the general was informed that Kapukan and Senendial were invading together. The Conduit of Chaos left the city in a rush, and ran to the location of a portal to the Realm of The Dead that Miri had learned about during the week of festivities. It was there that Miri entered The Dead, where she put the sigil on a dead tree, but at this point, she saw a shadowy figure pursuing her from the distance. As she ran, Becca lost her nerve and went through as well, and immediately felt all of her essence sucking out of her, causing her to become hurt very quickly. Thankfully Miri was able to convince Becca to return, and Miri made it through the portal as well, but strangely was stuck in-between realms, and spoke with the shadowy being, who she remembered from her childhood, having been hanging over Becca. He told her that he needed her help, and then she made it through to the Mortal Realm. The party afterwards had a confrontation with Thorkin, with Thorkin demanding that he go back, and the party was able to ascertain that Thorkin had a girlfriend. They promised him that they would return after visiting the Cinereal Circle, but Grey didn't wait for this conversation to go down, so he and Igni made their way towards Gistrow and because Igni knew about Grey being a Lycan, he allowed Igni to ride him. The party eventually caught up, and there was a confrontation, wherein Grey revealed himself to the party, and the group was able to make up, and they traveled to Gistrow, where Thorkin and Fen sent letters to Dimsyl and her family, Thorkin assuring her that he would be back, but that his party had to go to Shaduit, and Fen asking them to take care of their animals that were in Heazim, sending a blue as well. The party was then able to get a door to Shaduit from the Watcher, and Miri asked the Watcher her three questions: Being 1. What was the shadowy being, which he answered was a Phantom. 2. What is the nature of her powers, which he answered was a strange phenomenon wherein her birth happened to coincide with a strange overlapping with The Realm of The Dead. and 3. How can she help Becca, which he answered that there were many ways to help her, be it magical or mundane, but that this break in her mind would have happened, but that it was accelerated. He suggested that she simply be there for Becca until Grey could finish his next project, which would help her. It was then discovered that The Watcher spoke Primordial, as Grey was able to converse with him, and The Watcher was able to give him some advice concerning his potential cure to Lycanthropy. The party then arrived just outside of an outhouse just on the border of Shaduit.

Rewards Granted

A keep, technically... They all got custom signet rings.

Missions/Quests Completed

They placed one of The Watcher's sigils in the Dead.

Character(s) interacted with

Dimsyl Thraemnag (Thorkin's Girlfriend) King Mukhtar Batem Abdul Shehadeh

The Towering Shards

Rebecca "Becca" Shadowstalker

Lawful Neutral Human (Monster Hunter)
Fighter 4
Sorcerer 1
52 / 52 HP
Player Journals
I'm not crazy by Rebecca "Becca"
"Deadly" Land of the Dead by Rebecca "Becca"
Report Date
03 Jul 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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