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Session 16 - The Hunt

General Summary

  • The Radiants make their way into camp and are warmly welcomed by Dreyfus.
  • Dreyfus tells Toland that the camp has be set upon by a beast in the night, and that several tribespeople have been slain or injured.
  • The beast attacks in the night, and has not been seen clearly. It is loud and dangerous, causing burns, bites, scratches, and crushing.
  • Toland spends the day tending to the injured for the whole day. Thog plays with the children of the Collga while Garth broods.
  • The following night passes without incident, until near the end of the night, where Toland hears a loud splashing noise in the dark.
  • Toland casts Continual Light and startles the monster, which dazedly scurries off into the night, creating a great deal of noise. Abek notes that the closest shard is moving away quite rapidly, implying that the next shard might be with whatever creature this is.
  • The next day shows a easily followable trail of scrapes and crushed foliage. The Radiants set off in boats provided by the Collga, following the trail of the creature.
  • After almost a day's travel, the party beaches the boats and finds the creature sleeping, along with a second beast.
  • Toland tries a new spell, causing Thog to speed up greatly. Thog proceeds to brutalize the lizard creatures, quickly eliminating them.
  • Abek, standing away from the horrific stench of the corpse, unhelpfully says that the shard is somewhere betweent the slain creatures.
  • Toland uses Prepare Game, efficiently butchering the creatures, revealing one shard in one creature, then one in another.
  • Toland attempts to discern the edibility of the butchered creature. It is found to be inedible.

Missions/Quests Completed

All five known shards are now located and in the hands of the Radiants

Report Date
26 Mar 2022

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