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Occupying the eastern salt marshes, the Collgan (formerly known as the Collga) were fishers that had settled on the mostly stable landmass just north of the nearby lake. They were a moderately sized tribe, comprised of roughly 45 combat-ready individuals.   Due to the necessary precautions needed to navigate and live in the region, they are the best equipped and trained to navigate the waters that dominate the Basin. Those raised as a Collga will typically be skilled in simple boat skills and simple fishing skills appropriate to the Tech Level.   They have close ties with the Kollin, relying on exchanges of goods from across the river in hardwood lumber extracted from the southern forest to fashion and repair their boats. In exchange for these supplies, the Collga supplies Kollin with oils and meats from the aquatic life harvested from the Eastern Saltmarsh. They desire greater territory, however are unwilling to challenge the Derashi due to their greater numbers. Despite this, tensions are low between the two tribes.   The Collga make extensive use of aquatic oils to generate life-saving light when darkness comes, as it burns long and evenly. This oil has a faint odor and does not produce much heat. A single tablespoon of aquatic oils can last for roughly 4 hours.   During the journey of the First Radiants the Collga came under attack by an unknown and as of yet unheard of beast of the swamps which was eventually slain by the Radiants. Several days afterwards they were greeted by a combined HundriZunthr, and Kollin tribe and offered a union between them. After much debate and convincing in no small part due to the Zunthr's involvement, the Collga finally agreed. It is said that part of their reason to accept was due to the aid the Radiants provided, considering they included both Garth and Thog, sons of Olen.   The Collga participated in the Battle of the Peak, emerging victorious, and joined with the other tribes to found Luthal. Some Collga found that they much preferred the swamplands to the dry lands at the base of the Peak and returned home to found and settle the floating village of Collgan.   They were occasionally the target of raids by the Zunthiri, however the fact that they were very deep in the swamp and had the newly settled village of Breitonan (formerly the Kollin between them dissuaded all but the most desperate of attempts.   While not officially a part of Luthalan territory, the Collgans are staunch trading partners with Luthal, trading their farmed oils and fish to Luthal for Luthalan pottery, wool, and other trade goods that are difficult to procure in the swamplands.
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