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Session 12 - Through the Dersahi

General Summary

  • After a day and a half of travel, the Radiants encounter Havard, who was tracking an Aurochs for an unknown number of days
  • [Day 2] After shouting to Havard to identify themselves, the Aurochs is startled and charges at Thog, who grapples it. After a particularly well-aimed spear throw by Havard, Thog is able to break the neck of the Aurochs, providing meat and other materials which were carried throughout the rest of the day
  • [Day 4] Havard assist with navigating the Derashi territory, finding an optimal route. The party notices it is getting colder as they travel further north
  • During the travel, Elwin and Dromast further explain the basis of a Radiant's immortality:
  • The gods themselves preserve the memories of the past lives of their bloodlines, as long as they are able to bond with the stone. In this way a Radiant is able to draw upon those past lives' memories, skills, and abilities.
  • Radiance is passed down through bloodlines. Some have a stronger tie than others to Radiance, but it has been some time since one strong enough to resonate with the Gods has been born.
  • Olen and Trinn are a part of that bloodline. They are not technically Radiant, however. They are only able to become as such if they possess the stones, and therefore the memories of their ancestors. As a part of being taken by the Mire, the child god's memories have been tampered with, leaving large holes and gaps in what should be there.
  • Each shard is typically attuned to a specific bloodline. There were once far more than the five that Abek has sensed. They may still be alive, but dormant.
  • [Day 6] The Radiants notice a large dark sphere off in the distance, just at the base of the Rim. It appears similar to the Mire, however it is too far away to get a good look at, at least 3 or 4 day's travel
  • [Day 7] The Radiants, entering a ravine, are set upon by several large creatures, which emerged after a long, sharp whistle. The insects were dispatched after severely wounding Havard.

Report Date
22 Jan 2022

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