Session Two - A Multitude of Meetings

General Summary

The group rendezvoused at The Humble Mind and discussed the battle that just had taken place in the Market Square with the Azure Assemblage. Cerviel introduced everyone to the tavern’s owners: Durgan and Verica. The group introduced themselves to one another, evaluated their own strengths and abilities, and discussed why they might want to join Ecks and Al on their hunt for Tyranx, the elite ancient blue dragon.   Valrick shared the evidence that he brought with him from the Market Square battle: a severed finger and a piece of paper with the names Vespertine, Stormwind, and Collymore written on it. The group asked Durgan and Verica about these names. Durgan said he thought that Vespertine referred to the company that created and manufactured constructs. He also said that he could introduce the group to someone who was familiar with Collymore. During their time in the humble mind, Professor Anisa Berrycloth messaged Cerviel and admonished her for running into the battle at Market Square. She also ordered Cerviel to meet her in her office within the next couple of days.   The group went to the magic shop Trinkets & Treasures, where they met the owner Parsifal. Al inquired about a Decanter of Endless Water, but it was too pricey. Aislin purchased a small bag of holding and bartered with Parsifal. She gave him a few elixirs and he stated that he might buy more from her, once he determined how high of a quality these elixirs were.   At sundown the party returned to The Humble Mind where they met up with Durgan who had a chest with him. Durgan led the party through several alleys before they came upon a doorway that appeared to potentially lead to a cellar. The doorway actually led down several flights of stairs into some catacombs where the party met The Morlocks, who are led by Callisto. The group discovered that the chest Durgan was carrying contained rations and that he had been supplying The Morlocks with help.   The party broke bread with The Morlocks and had a lengthy discussion with Callisto about who The Morlocks are, who are the three names listed on the piece of paper they found in Market Square, and how they can enter the Calico Skies neighborhood without using the guarded gateway into that community. Specifically, The Morlocks are just one community that lives under the city of Port Elesby. There are several communities underground just as there are neighborhoods above ground. Callisto tells the party that they can lead them on a path that will allow them to enter Calico Skies, thus also to Vespertine's daughter, in their effort to track down Tyranx. After being invited to use Durgan's help to return to The Morlocks home, because the doorway magically shifts from one place to the next every day, the party decides that they will each return to their lodgings for the evening to rest and prepare for such a potential journey underground.   Exposition Dump   These are important details that the group learned about during this session, mostly through conversations with Callisto:  

  • Renard Vesterptine worked with Atticus Stormwind to develop the first intelligent constructs.   Vespertine was the Inventor and Stormwind was the arcane sorceror or wizard.   Collymore managed the Vespertine Mining Co.   The company discovered Arkonite, a very rare mineral used to both give rise to and fuel artificial intelligence.   Intitially, the constructs were made to be soliders but when the wars stopped with the changing of the government, the constructs were made to be the servants of the very wealthy.   Verspertine and Stormwind became rich from sales of the constructs, but eventually the Arkonite mines dried up.   In an effort to find more Arkonite, Vespertine pushed Collymore and the miners into unsafe situations. Eventually this lead to a mine collapse that resulted in the piercing of the boundary that separated Castia from another world.   The breakdown of the boundaries between the two worlds has been called "The Spill" or, perhaps more often, "The Shift."   It appears that Collymore died in this collapse.   Vespertine died of old age and his daughter Melisande took over the construct business.   No one knows what happened to Stormwind.

The Humble Mind
Astray in the Mosaic

Cerviel Anoun

Level 5 Bard.
48 / 48

Aislin Mac Gearailt

Level 5 Psychic/Oracle.
/ 58


Level 5 Sorcerer.
53 / 53
Report Date
22 Jun 2023

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