
A Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Modern game In the world of The Ouroboros
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  • Krynn: Ansalon Continent
    The contient of Ansalon located on the world of Krynn in Krynnspace.
  • The Northern Wastes
Supporting Cast
  • Becklin Uth Viharin
    Becklin Uth Viharin (lawful good, human knight) is a Solamnic Knight of the Order of the Crown who, in her earlier years, adventured with Ispin Greenshield and Cudgel Ironsmile. For the last decade, she has served as castellan of Thornwall Keep in Vogler. This posting is not only an official charge from her superiors but also a quiet retirement for her. Becklin takes her role seriously, maintaining her skills and equipment as she remains alert for danger. In her considerable free time, she indulges her passion for studying the past by excavating the ruins of Thornwall Keep. The region’s commonfolk generally don’t hold the Knights of Solamnia in high regard, most believing the knights had a hand in causing—or, at least, not preventing—the Cataclysm. However, the people of Vogler accept Becklin, as her skill at arms has kept the village safe from bandits and dangerous beasts for years.
  • Darrett Highwater
    Darrett Highwater is a fastidious, aspiring knight who serves Becklin Uth Viharin. His parents abandoned him in town over a decade ago, after which Darrett spent years as a ward of the community before coming under Becklin’s wing. In the years since, his good heart and aptitude for strategic thinking led Becklin to train him for induction into the Knights of Solamnia one day. Darrett is well-read and courteous, though he sometimes catches himself talking in ways he considers less than knightly, for which he apologizes profusely.
  • Dralmorrer Borngay
    Lieutenant in the Cult of the Dragon, now deceased.
  • Hunter Solaria
    Sorcerer presumably from another plane.
  • Leosin Erlanthar
    Monk dedicated to studying cults. He has a particular fascination with the Cult of the Dragon, even attempting to infiltrate their ranks for additional information.
  • Rath Modar
    Red wizard of Thay loosely associated with the cult of the Dragon.
  • Raven Vogler
    Vogler’s down-to-earth mayor, Raven Uth Vogler (neutral good, human scout), lives in a two-story house on the village circle. Raven is a practical, empathetic leader in her thirties who grew up on the river. She keeps a pair of guest rooms—lavishly decorated with mounted fish—where she frequently hosts villagers going through tough times.
  • Rezmir Wyrmspeaker
    Wyrmspeaker of the Cult of the Dragon.
  • Tarbaw Nighthill
    The man who runs Greenest is Tarbaw Nighthill, a human male of sixty years. If characters ask who’s in charge, they are directed to Nighthill. He is pacing atop the parapet of the keep when the sky is clear, or inside the keep if the dragon is attacking. If the characters don’t seek out the governor when they reach the keep, he finds them. Either way, Nighthill welcomes them and takes them to the parapet. From there, they have the best view of Greenest. The right side of Nighthill’s face and head are bandaged, his right arm hangs in a sling, and his light blue tunic is stained with his own blood. He received these wounds during the early stages of the attack and hasn’t spared the time for more than cursory first aid.
  • Wyhan
    Proprietor of Wyhan's Apothecary
  • Zanas Sarlamir
    Undead skeletal Knight of the Crown

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 22nd July 2024 17:00

Chapter 5: The Northern Wastes

The party pursues Lord Soth to the City of Lost Names in the Northern Wastes

Sat 20th April 2024 15:00

Chapter 4: Shadow of War

The party investigates activity of the Dragon Army in the surrounding region of Kalaman.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Demeru Iyengar

Aella Aura