Session 10 - Puzzles and Dragons Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 10 - Puzzles and Dragons Report

General Summary

Kel's chosen 7 became 4 as Aluin, Biggol, and Nic bamfed into the their dice.
- Martha fixed some 'mishaps' of Bellamy and Borkul in exchange for a particular Black and White Meyve fruit.
- The group travelled from the library to the Temple of Aeloj and Jolea and were greeted in the middle by Chief Tannabok. The chief gave particular instructions to break into the Prophet's office, hints to what awaited them, and how to avoid pitfalls, and then gave 3 scrolls to... Borkul...
- It became extremely apparent that The Chief, Guards, and damn near everyone were on their side, they just didn't want Tzekel-kan or Prophet Peygamber to catch wind.
- True to his character Borkul solved puzzles... his way... Loud, confident, and with 'mmmmmmmagic'.
- The Kel's 4 broke into the Prophet's office and found many things:

  • no journals of Prophet Peygamber, but found 4 journals of a Clarota containing...
    • Clarota's thoughts on the other deities and avatars
    • A 10 eyed dreamer.
    • A ceremony that must be completed now with a proper kraken substitute
    • a crab guarding a golden idol which contains the power of a dragon.
  • a ring of mind shielding that belonged to Kriv, containing the soul of Joon a dead adventurer from long ago.
  • an image of tentacles swirling from the outside sides of the paper around and towards the center of the paper.
  • Rings on the wall that with circles and lines that aligned somehow to the images on the paper.
  • A note that contained the words 'red', 'gold', and 'brass'.
  • Red, gold, and brass dragons (and dragonborn) all breathe fire. After exposing the image to a flame much of the ink disappeared revealing a pattern that could be matched with rings on the wall... (and the paper may have briefly caught on fire... but it was fine... except for the circle that burned up ruining the key a bit...
  • - Jim a bronze dragonborn was also found in the temple, but quickly discovered to be a spy for Tzekel-kan... but we'll catch up to him.
    - Aligning the dots unlocked one statue at the far end allowing it to be turned 180 degrees making the statue of Aeloj face away from his twin Jolea. Aligning the lines allowed unlocked Jolea's statue allowing her to face away from Aeloj. Once this was done a hatch in the middle of the stage was unlocked that had a ladder that went down... down... down... well that's what jim discovered as he hit the bottom and became mush.
    - After a long climb down Kels 4 stepped out of the cave mouth anddiscovered a biome of biomes, and a violation of several laws of nature with the following traits:
    - They were standing on a cliff edge more hundred feet to the ground,
    - gravity still pulls them down... Jim also found this out...
    - inside a giant bubble of air.
    - Above them, the cliff climbs higher but outward in front of you until it meets the water, and continues up through the water. Think of it like top.
    -Water surrounds the dome of air in all directions, including above. It goes out a mile or so in all directions, and at the highest, it's about 150 to 200 ft above the ground.
    - In the distance, a massive willow tree climbs nearly to the ceiling of the dome threatening to touch the water. Coated in vibrant colors across the spectrum it's the great Meyve tree.
    - The ground reminds you of the Underdark. Vibrant mushrooms of reds, blues, greens, and purples and rich plant life is thriving in the pocket of air.
    - after dangerous climb down where some might argue players hindered eachother more than helped, everyone arrived safely on the ground level.
    - Two interesting mushrooms were found. A stringy Tessadyle mushroom, that suggest psionic or mind flayer activity is near by. and a haste spore mushroom, which can be consumed to gain a brief effect of haste, or if properly harvested by an alchemist, can be developed into a haste spore grenade and apply a longer haste effect to a group.
    - Lastly the group finally made it to the Great Meyve Tree, a towering willow tree taller than any other flora witnessed previous. A hole was obvious at the base of the tree, a path that lead even deeper underground. Surely Vorugal was down there.
    - However, at it's base was a pile of gold, topped with a golden idol of a dragon. After an attempt from chucky to sneak up to the gold. It was revealed to be the top of a gargantuan crustation, Tamatoa the guardian of the dragon idol, who doubles as a tether, channelling it's power of the idol into the land, and allowing the meyve trees to flourish in the land of Gizli Ada above.
    - Next session will begin in initiative. Optional goal - if possible, get the idol off tamatoa, do with it as you wish, but it's understood that destroying the idol allowing a gold dragon somewhere on Xenpherra to assume it's true form once again. Primary goal - Escape below the tree and continue down, find Vorugal.

    Odds with the Gods
    Report Date
    14 Dec 2023

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