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Odds with the Gods

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Xenpherra
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  • Arcelia
    A continent on the planet on Xenpherra filled with magic, mystery, and monsters... ooOOoo.
  • Waterdeep
    The City of Splendors
  • Trollskull Alley
    A historic Alley with lots of interesting neighbors.
Supporting Cast
  • Big Bertha
    Large female giff with two pistols on her side what looks like a shotgun and a rifle slung over her back (but no one even recognizes these as guns), wearing a Cowboy hat Inventer of guns, regrets letting them get out of town. Grovely Tough Voice.
  • FCG
    A faithful guardian companion created by The Lady of Pain, to protect the obsidian crystal and ensure it was only used for it's intended purpose. [br] [br] Sweet Southern voice. Always greets people with "Smiley Day to Ya'"

Sessions Archive

12th Dec 2023

Session 10 - Puzzles and Dragons

Read the Report
29th Nov 2023

Session 9 - The cold trail.

16th Nov 2023

Session 8 - Gizli Ada - The Kahanet's oppression

2nd Nov 2023

Session 7 - The Storm of Gizli Ada

27th Oct 2023

Session 6 - Escape from Urgot II

27th Oct 2023

Session 5 - Dinner with Urgot

19th Sep 2023

Session 4 - Off to Gizli Ada

31st Aug 2023

Session 3 - Howe is Vorugal

17th Aug 2023

Session 2 - Howe many Rats are there?

Read the Report
10th Aug 2023

Session 1 - Howe did this happen?


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