Etharis Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Etharis
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Supporting Cast
  • Abram von Zarovich (Adversary)
    One of the Brides of the Duchess Tatyana von Zarovich. Scientist and Social Engineer who demonstrates a bit of a stuck-up elitist attitude.
  • Advisor Mirran (Neutral)
    Advisor to King Hekkaton and member of the Storm Giants' Court.
  • Advisor Neri (Neutral)
    Advisor to King Hekkaton of the Storm Giants.
  • Advisor Nym (Neutral)
    Advisor to King Hekkaton of the Storm Giants. Was present for the Lords' Alliance meeting to address the Castinellan threat.
  • Aetherion (Neutral)
    A member of the Elven Council and a powerful Seer. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Alda Arkin (Neutral)
    Curator of the Burkenmire Museum of Natural History. Host of the gala to celebrate the discovery of the Murkmire Stone. Believes the Raven Assembly are wealthy individuals from obscure families. Thinks Cillian is mocking her with his Morencian act. Orchestrated an attempt to steal the Eldritch Horror egg, likely because she thought it was a valauble stone. Her plan was foiled and she was found dead shortly after the Raven Assembly made off with the egg,
  • Alistar Moonstar (Ally)
    Lich imprisoned by his sister in the Lych Gate hidden within the ruins of the Dock Ward of Salero. Released by The Raven Assembly. Left to go to his laboratory to continue his experiments.
  • Ambassador Thelamandrin (Neutral)
    Ambassador-in-Extraordinaire for the Queen of Night and Magic and her entire court. Hates being in Salero. Kind of wants the Queen to give up her claim on the country.
  • Amber (Adversary)
    Member of a mysterious organization hired by Alda Arkin to steal the Eldritch Horror egg from the Burkenmire Museum of Natural History.
  • Arathator (Neutral)
    The Great White Death. Ancient White Dragon. Has hoards around the Sea of Moving Ice and even has Valikan Clan hostages who feed him offerings. Fears Arveiaturace.
  • Arch Duchess Maelfa (Neutral)
    Arch Duchess of Nordland in the Burach Empire. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Arch Duke Ulrich Eisenherz (Neutral)
    Archduke of the Burach Empire. Sits on the Throne of Rauland. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Arch Seraph Miklas (Ally)
    Arch Seraph of Mercy and Cillian's Paladin Patron. Shares Cillian with Vanestra and Lolth. Has done her best to protect Cillian and Mayret from Lolth. Turned Cillian into a Seraph to help him better protect the weak and innocent. Believes The Raven Assembly are the only hope of "stopping what is coming."
  • Arveiaturace (Ally)
    Ancient White Dragon. Mate of Arathator. Currently suffering the loss of her dragon rider.
  • Ashford (Adversary)
    Member of an unknown organization hired by Alda Arkin to steal the Eldritch Horror egg. Reasonably professional. Has zero control over Kitten's violent tendencies. He's probably the only humanoid Kitten will truly tolerate.
  • Ayla Heron (Ally)
    Half-Elf student at the Mages' College of Salero. Clearly becoming friends with Astra. Student of Master Silversteel.
  • Azrael (Ally)
    Half-Orc Downcast. Criminal paying off his sentence as a slave and soldier to the Morgia household. Assigned to The Raven Assembly by Duchess Sandesyl Morgia. Claims to be very good at stabbing. Dislikes Cillian and his gifted Seraph status.
  • Barker (Neutral)
    Free Sword. Kenku. Went looking for the Raven Assembly on behalf of the Harpers.
  • Bayel (Adversary)
    Member of a mysterious organization hired by Alda Arkin to steal the Eldritch Horror egg from the Burkenmire Museum of Natural History. Magic user. Cut and run the minute the job appeared to be done.
  • Big Hoot (Ally)
    Fiend Owl Familiar summoned by Kimber to assist The Raven Assembly in the Stillborn Forest. Has exceptional eyesight and a calm demeanor.
  • Cain (Ally)
    Demon (possible demigod?) who gave the Raven Assembly power and treasure in exchange for his release from a temple on Dolentla Island. Has his eye on the Assembly.
  • Calina von Zarovich (Adversary)
    One of the Brides of Duchess Tatyana von Zarovich. Capable magician and religious scholar who worships Shar.
  • Calisto (Ally)
    Associate of Lord Dael Silmerhelve. Mayret's escort to the Valikan Clans. Reasonably talented magic user and kind, understanding, person.
  • Candice "Candy" Poppenfeather (Ally)
    Head of the Puffenfeather Candy Company and wealthy merchant. Candy's candies have made her family wealthy and famous across Etharis. She has hired The Raven Assembly to find rare and exotic ingredients for her sweets in exchange for giving them financial backing.
  • Cherri (Neutral)
    Awakened Raven. Alchemist. Needed a deadly poison Cillian bought to create a cure for a disease that killed her alchemy master.
  • Delaan Winterhound (Neutral)
    Representative of the Emerald Enclave. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Demitri von Zarovich (Adversary)
    One of the Brides of the Duchess Tatyana von Zarovich.
  • Doctor Casse Dannell (Ally)
    Doctor and former employee of the Burkenmire Museum of Natural History. Contact for the Party who needs them to steal the Eldritch Horror egg from the museum so she can neutralize it. She gained the furry snake hair from a magical experiment.
  • Doge Lorenzo Flabenici (Ally)
    Doge of Morencia. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Dominic (Ally)
    Dmitri von Zarovich's brother. Scholar at the Court of One Million Stars. Gave The Raven Assembly a means of finding the court from anywhere in the Shadowfell.
  • Dragomir (Ally)
    Valentine's new Chamrosh puppy. Still has a lot of learning to do but is pretty smart.
  • Duchess Leticia Gray (Neutral)
    One of the Seven Vampire Lords of the Ostoyan Empire. Fiercely loyal to Grand Duke Vorgen.
  • Duchess Lucilla Darkdraft (Neutral)
    One of the Seven Vampire Lords of the Ostoyan Empire. Spymaster and purveyor of secrets for the Empire. Due to circumstances beyond her control, she was turned into a Vampire at an unusually young age. Some think this age issue makes her behavior more volatile.
  • Duchess Meredith Larson (Neutral)
    One of the Seven Vampire Lords of the Ostoyan Empire.
  • Duchess Miriam Hill (Neutral)
    One of the Seven Vampire Lords of the Ostoyan Empire.
  • Duchess Sandesyl Morgia (Ally)
    One of the Seven Vampire Lords of Soma. Powerful Necromancer. Patron Lady of Cillian and Mayret.
  • Duchess Tatyana von Zarovich (Adversary)
    Duchess of Barovia. The first Vampire in Barovia and has ruled since the nation's founding. Powerful magical Vampire. Has created an unsteady coexistence between the daylight mortals of Barovia and the creatures of the night. Looks like she's related to the Queen of Salero.
  • Duke Ulric Bodwyn (Neutral)
    One of the Seven Vampire Lords of the Ostoyan Empire. Holds the title of The Wolf of Soma and is a powerful military commander and combatant who leads the military action against the Burachian Empire. Valentine's Paladin Boss.
  • Elyssa (Ally)
    Tabaxi Paladin of the Lady of fire. The escort of Cillian Valentine. Elyssa is an overconfident agent of Dael Silmerhelve, but one who shows good skill at what she does.
  • Eros (Ally)
    Knight and Soldier of the city-state of Liesech. Met with The Raven Assembly to offer them a bounty opportunity on Red Wizards. Currently leading a military force in Soma to hunt Red Wizards.
  • Essie (Ally)
    Satyr. Resident of the Stillborn Forest. Has friends who can help find the Unseelie Queen.
  • Featherbright (Ally)
    Tufted Pixie purchased by Kimber so The Raven Assembly could set her free. She's lost and afraid and currently staying with the Party until she feels capable of going on her own, or until they manage to find somewhere safe for her to live. Mostly lives in Kimber's hair under her hat.
  • Felicity Marfront (Neutral)
    Representative and member of The Order of the Thaumaturge. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Freja Owlsdaughter (Neutral)
    Mysterious shapeshifting Shadow Elf. Wanted to get a look at The Raven Assembly for herself.
  • Gelato (Ally)
    Cillian's Faerie Dragon Familiar. He is easily motivated by cake, though Cillian owes him quite a few cakes for his past work. Was lost to Cillian for a while but was regained thanks to a scroll of Find Familiar.
  • Gerard Davis (Ally)
    Were Raven and friend from Cillian's caravan traveling days. Currently living in a secret village full of Were Ravens and Werewolves in the forests of Soma.
  • Gia (Ally)
    Mysterious Human Dancer and Singer. Found in the forest alongside the road in Soma caught in a bear trap. Freed and healed by the Raven Assembly and now accompanying them until they reach the capital of Duchess Darkdraft's territory. Has some kind of mind effecting magic. Managed to get Kimber to wear revealing clothes and even take off her robe. Gave Kimber her first alcoholic drink.
  • Grand Duke Vorgen (Neutral)
    Grand Duke of the Ostoyan Empire. Ruler of the Seven Vampire Lords. Powerful magician and Vampire. Kimber's Warlock Patron and Vampiric Sire. Currently keeping an eye on The Raven Assembly and the Duchess Morgia.
  • Gregor (Neutral)
    Blind Wild Magic Sorcerer who constructed an entire metal river boat seemingly out of one piece of metal with Wild Magic. Used his power to quickly get The Raven Assembly to their destination while also finding and hiring a Druid to handle a wildlife issue in his own city.
  • Harkin (Ally)
    Mercenary and former Slave Soldier of the Duchess Morgia. Extremely good at killing things. Wereshark who is allowed to live due to his usefulness in combat. Blunt, honest, and direct about things, he has become the object of Kimber's first real romantic feelings.
  • Hate (Neutral)
    Powerful demon (possible Archfiend?) who made a deal with the Raven Assembly. In exchange for his freedom, Hate would remove the curse he placed on the Assembly and release all the people on Dolentla Island under his control. He also agreed to return to Orkis immediately after being freed.
  • Hound Master Kolya (Ally)
    Hound Master to the Prince of the Court of Night and Magic. Appreciated The Raven Assembly taking care of his Spell Hounds.
  • Ismark von Zarovich (Adversary)
    Brother to the Duchess Tatyana von Zarovich.
  • Ivy (Neutral)
    Cillian's girlfriend. Believes exaggerated tales about The Raven Assembly. Scared of Myna Lytton.
  • Izek von Zarovich (Adversary)
    Brother to the Duchess Tatyana von Zarovich.
  • Jacinth Deepwarder (Ally)
    Family friend of the Tolcrist Noble House. Lost her ship, friends, and Genevieve Tolcrist near Dolentla Island. Helped the Raven Assembly sail to Dolentla Island and successfully rescue her missing friends along with Genevieve.
  • Kenneth Decker (Neutral)
    Leader of the Free Swords. Seasoned warrior and tactician. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • King Hekkaton (Ally)
    King of the Storm Giants. Formerly allied with the Castinellans. Made a binding agreement with the Raven Assembly to find the murderers of his wife and child.
  • King Pethis Imbrium XVI (Neutral)
    The Moonlit King and King of the Court of Night and Magic. Ruler and bringer of the Winter Season. Currently exhibiting erratic behavior and it is known to some that he is being manipulated by an as yet unknown individual. His court has fallen apart and he seems apathetic toward his role of bringing Winter and taking the throne of the Court of Night and Magic.
  • Kitten (Adversary)
    Warforged working with Ashford and his compatriots to steal the Eldritch Horror egg. Unknown affiliation. Hates humanoids and desperately wants to kill Astra. Highly likely that she is the one who killed Alda Arkin.
  • Knight Roman of House Morgia (Ally)
    A Knight of House Morgia. One of the Seven Personal Knights of the Duchess Morgia.
  • Knight Vis of House Morgia (Ally)
    A Knight of House Morgia. One of the Seven Personal Knights of the Duchess Morgia.
  • Lady Alayna Vanala (Ally)
    Lady in the Court of Midnight Teeth. Saved The Raven Assembly from rude nobles. Has a cool wine glass sword.
  • Lady Talis The White (Neutral)
    Castinellan Noble. Made a magic contract with The Raven Assembly to kill Rezmir the Black.
  • Leah (Ally)
    Priestess of the Lady of Fire and Astra Silver's initial escort. Aided the Assembly during the secret meeting of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Lelah (Ally)
    Kimber's Human Servant. She was killed when Kimber lost control and then revived by the Lady Mila von Zarovich. She now serves Kimber as an assistant and companion.
  • Lolth (Ally?)
    Spider Goddess and matriarchal symbol of ancient Drow Society within the Underdark. Absolutely hates men. Diminished in power for a time due to the Godfall but now works to regain her position and power. Has selected Cillian and Mayret to be the catalysts to return her to her former glory. Has gained more power due to a shift in the balance of light and dark within Etharis.
  • Lord Craven (Competitor)
    A Lord in the Court of Midnight Teeth. Extremely rude and a bit of a coward.
  • Lord Dael Silmerhelve (Ally)
    Brought The Raven Assembly together based on a prophecy. High Priest of the Lady of Fire. Originally from Castinelle. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Lord General Vassily Romer (Neutral)
    General of the armies of the Burach Empire. Holds the Throne of Unterland. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Lord Hermand Severe (Neutral)
    Lord of Salero and head of the Order of Severe Knights. Failed to become King and hates Elves. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Lord Jareth Morgia (Ally)
    Brother of Duchess Sandesyl Morgia. Lord General of the Duchess Morgia's military.
  • Lord Marrick (Ally)
    An Ambassador to the Court of Night and Magic from an unknown court. He has formed a friendship in the form of a political alliance with The Raven Assembly. In exchange for all of the information about their two missions in the Shadowfell, Lord Marrick gave the party all of the information on the Moonlit King he knows. This first exchange is likely to lead to a mutually-beneficial friendship in the future, as Lord Marrick is a political ally and inroad within the courts and the party... well, he'll figure some way they can help him.
  • Lord Roderick Layman (Ally)
    Mayret's fiance. Low level Noble of Nov Ostoya. Has a fetish for the Elf races. His last two wives died under mysterious circumstances. Recently cut some kind of deal to get himself turned into a Vampire, implying he has some potentially powerful allies to help him cause trouble. Marrying Mayret and asks only that she give him an heir by any means necessary. Otherwise he will allow her to live as she pleases.
  • Lord Typhon (Competitor)
    Lord attempting to curry favor in the Court of Night and Magic. Scared Mary when she encountered him in the court.
  • Loska (Neutral)
    Dire Wolf. Member of the Emerald Enclave and companion of Delaan Winterhound. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Map Maker (Neutral)
    Air Genasi Map Maker. Sold a map to The Raven Assembly. Exchanged Etharis gold for Shadowfell gold.
  • Marquis Xavier Everheart (Competitor)
    Marquis of the City of Margrave in Soma. Currently attempting to court Duchess Morgia. Is Roderick Layman's direct superior. Intentionally singled out Cillian to imply that he knows about his relationship with the Duchess.
  • Mary (Neutral)
    A child living with Oma Rattenfinger. Appears to have an unusually interesting power to manipulate shades and plants within the Shadowfell.
  • Master Kara Silversteel (Ally)
    Master of Star and Shadow Magic. Shadow Fey. Professor at the Mages' College of Salero. Currently has The Raven Assembly doing a quest for her in exchange for information and assistance.
  • Meep (Ally)
    One of eighty Kobolds adopted by Astra Silver. Expert on door construction and reinforcement.
  • Merrill (Ally)
    Awakened Raven and Oracle. Joined The Raven Assembly to also work on getting renown. Is being hunted by a Coven of Hags.
  • Mila von Zarovich (Ally)
    One of the Brides of the Duchess Tatyana von Zarovich. Enjoys informal conversations and stories from countries outside of Barovia. Clearly a very powerful magic user and Kimber's new Warlock Patron. Has become extremely attached to Kimber. It is clear she has been locked up in the castle for a very long time.
  • Mildred The Bone Carver (Neutral)
    Hag that dwells within the Stillborn Forest. Wanted The Raven Assembly to kill The Unseelie Queen. Values her independence and doesn't want to owe allegiance to anyone. Has two sisters named Louise and Mina.
  • Mishka (Ally)
    Wandering girl found by The Raven Assembly in Raevo. Accompanied by Aberrant Rabit named Mister Kissyface. Sent to stay with Dael so she can study magic when the Assembly returns to Salero.
  • Mister Kissy (Ally)
    Mishka's rabbit. Extremely soft and adorable. Definitely just a rabbit.
  • Morgana (Ally)
    The Unseelie Queen of the Stillborn Forest. Was assisted by The Raven Assembly and specifically Cillian, who vowed to ensure the deaths of the cultists who were killing her Fae citizens. Powered by the rising Darkness currently infecting Etharis. Greatly dislikes Elves. Warned The Assembly about the Shadowfell and Shadow Fae.
  • Myna Lytton (Ally)
    Representative of the Augustine Trading Company. Member of the Lords' Alliance. Loan servicer of the Raven Assembly's home at Trollskull Manor.
  • Mysterious Stranger (Neutral)
    A stranger Valentine encountered in the hidden Black Market of Corremel. Could the party encounter him in the future? Who knows.
  • Niana (Neutral)
    Owner of the "Home" restaurant in Nov Ostoya. Good friends with Cillian and proud Soman.
  • Oma Rattenfinger (Neutral)
    Strange, probably evil, Pixie woman who lives in a cottage in the forest with some Orphans of the Black. Has offered The Raven Assembly a safe place to rest if they were able to rescue the dog named Sable and the girl named Mary.
  • Onthar Frum (Neutral)
    Representative from The Order of the Gauntlet. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Petra (Ally)
    The new Guardian of the Forest. Helped by The Raven Assembly when a Black Dragon attempted to steal the power of his predecessor for himself.
  • Princess Freya Aestruum (Neutral
    Princess of the Court of Night and Magic. Third Child.
  • Princess of the Court of the River King (Ally)
    The Princess, and daughter of the River King, who sought the party's assistance in preventing the delivery of a marriage offer from her Father to the Black Prince. She offered gold, but also agreed to give the party an unspecified favor in the future. Unfortunately for anonymity, Astra told the Princess that they were The Raven Assembly.
  • Princess Sera (Neutral)
    Princess of the Court of Night and Magic. Neglected by many for being considered weak. Just received a puppy from The Raven Assembly.
  • Professor MacCath (Ally)
    Member of the Arcane Brotherhood of Raevo. Draconic Artefact expert and all-around Dragon scholar. Recently saved from being a captive of Arathator.
  • Psyche (Ally)
    Member of the military of the city-state of Liesech. Working with Eros to find The Raven Assembly. Also traveling in Soma hunting Red Wizards.
  • Puppy the Small (Neutral)
    Theo the Brave's puppy. Is a violently blue Terrier puppy.
  • Pyra (Ally)
    Guard at the Court of Night and Magic. Kind mother. Is willing to take care of Mary from time to time so she stays safe.
  • Queen Andrea Hellsing (Ally)
    Queen of the Valikan Clans. Powerful magician and excellent warrior. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Queen Laeral Sauveterre (Ally)
    Queen of Salero. Member of the Lords' Alliance and host of its first meeting. Her husband was very recently murdered.
  • Racket (Ally)
    Summer Pixie and Cillian's "emotional support pixie." Mostly fun-loving and a little bit of a menace. Always down to help if it means causing chaos and having fun. Is afraid members of the Raven Assembly are going to eat her.
  • Ratka Gobori (Ally)
    Vistani Caravan Leader. Inducted The Raven Assembly into the Vistani. Had the idea to bring in Adventurers to help the Vistani get their hands on a book that would further protect them from Duchess Tatyana von Zarovich.
  • Remilla Haventree (Neutral)
    A Halfling and member of the Harpers organization. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Rena (Neutral)
    Druid whom assisted The Raven Assembly with illegally trafficked animals and duck care instructions while they were in Salero.
  • Sable (Neutral)
    Mary's dog. An interesting shadow creature who seems very friendly once they know you're not a threat.
  • Samara (Ally?)
    A shadow creature somehow summoned by Mary and given time to accumulate power, creating a new imitation humanoid form. She is very jealous of Sable and insists that she is better and will be the favorite. She is extremely obsessed with Mary and seems slightly out of control. She was given the name Samara by Cillian, which gave her more power through being named.
  • Savalier (Neutral)
    Mage working for Talis the White. Teleported the Raven Assembly to a village near the Storm Giant's Castle.
  • Shar (Neutral)
    Goddess of the Void, the Night, the Darkness, and Nightmares. Worshipped in Barovia, especially by the members of the Duchess's royal family. Cillian had an interaction with one of her holy texts.
  • Sir Istavel (Neutral)
    Representative of the Knights of the Nation of Cormer. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • Sister Keldra (Neutral)
    Representative of Pope Merric and Ebenland in Burach. Member of the Lords' Alliance.
  • The Siren (Neutral)
    A renowned performer who was recently acquired by the Court of Night and Magic to be an exclusive performer there. Memories of her final performance have been selling quickly, and at high prices, since she left the stage.
  • Theo the Brave (Ally)
    Satyr. Knows where to find the Unseelie Queen. Is probably around five years old.
  • Tia (Ally)
    Member of the Harpers Guild. Hired the Raven Assembly to occasionally assist the Harpers in certain matters. Serves as a contact between the Guild and the Assmbly.
  • Unnamed Goddess of Death
    Temporary Patron of the Shadowfell. Saw her own death coming and divided all of her power among her Paladins. Was absorbed when Shar and Selune merged.
  • Venestra (Ally)
    Queen of the Summer Fae Court. Cillian's Patron and Goddess.
  • Zana (Adversary)
    Member of a mysterious organization hired by Alda Arkin to steal the Eldritch Horror egg from the Burkenmire Museum of Natural History. Half-Orc, Half-Fire Genasi.
  • Zell (Adversary)
    Member of a mysterious organization hired by Alda Arkin to steal the Eldritch Horror egg from the Burkenmire Museum of Natural History. Purple Tiefling and professional thief. Nearly made off with the Eldritch Horror egg.
  • Zion (Adversary)
    Member of a mysterious organization hired by Alda Arkin to steal the Eldritch Horror egg from the Burkenmire Museum of Natural History. Seraph of some sort. Highly professional. Makes Cillian feel self-conscious.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

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Lady Mayret Layman

Witch of the Blackmire Annastasia Rasputin

Dungeon Mommy

Knight, right hand of the Duchess Morgia Cillian Valentine

Astra Silver