Brave New World

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Arvakien
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Steward Almeria Malfor
    The parties guild steward. Responsible for liaising between the party and their contract creators. A shrewd and stern woman hailing from the inner confines of the Kingdom of Verloren, she has lived and worked within East Haven for many years. Professional, diligent, and direct, she is familiar with the politcal intricacies of the city as well as it's layout and commerce. Shes the kinda steward that has a strong network and is very capable. She'll look out for her adventurers but isn't averse from chastizing them for fool hard actions.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 31st August 2024 19:00

Session 4: Emerging patterns

In the aftermath of the melee and the pursuit, questions permeate the air as the team uncovers connections with their previous investigation. The same menacing amulet found within the walls of the merchants house as well as on the body of the stranger. More ancient missives and garb adorn the bodies of the undead and there seems to be no connection between the victims otherwise. Now the party must weather the aftermath, as the carnage of this battle was far more reaching than before

Sat 17th August 2024 19:00

Session 3: Strange Occurences

The party awakes to a new day and a new task. Another murder has occurred in the southern end of the Gold district and the methods are suspect. The team welcomes their newest addition, Buck the Trapper, to their ranks before they begin their investigation. The party learns that the victim is an Artaesian merchant and her assistant, but are surprised when they encounter a band of undead led by a mysterious stranger. A vicious melee and pursuit ensue, ending with the dispatching of the undead and the stranger. However, far more damage was left in the wake of this onslaught as the engagement covered several blocks and resulted in multiple bystander deaths. The stakes are higher and questions permeate the air.

Sessions Archive

17th Aug 2024

Session 3: Rising Tensions

After the party relinquished the evidence they had collected to the Arcanist and their entourage. They rested and recuperated while completing some odd jobs to gain additional funds while they await their next gig. Their party is reinforced by Buck Buchannan, an adventurer/trapper who returned from another job. They receive word that they have another job from their steward that may benefit from their experiences.

27th Jul 2024

Session 2: Rising Questions

As the party investigates the death of the Conciliate merchant Emile Mekkek, they learn his murder is not as straight forward as first believed. The arcane is heavily involved, the merchants stores are untouched, and a strange amulet links the merchants death to an ancient and reviled order. With the presence of bewitched would be thieves, skulking undead sentries, and strange missives from a time before. This investigation is shaping up to be something far more than the investigators bargained for.

13th Jul 2024

Session 1: New Beginnings

The year is 893 ACW and the Korith festival is on the eve of the next full moon. As city of East Haven prepares for the festival, travelers from all over the realm arrive in droves to enjoy the wonders of the celebrations. Commerce is bustling, strangers from strange lands are abound, and tensions are high. The local adventurers guild has it's hands tied with the influx and is doing it's best to keep up with the ever mounting pile of contracts. The party finds themselves receiving a contract from their guild steward to investigate the death of a traveling merchant. The death occurred within the gold district near the entrance to the Silver district. Local Guardsmen and Wardens are so overwhelmed with managing the crowds they've requested assistance from the guild.

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Arevias Hearthfire


Krill The False Kenku

Johnny Blaze

Yung Chaz