BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


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Writers Team

The world of Arvakien began millennia ago with the birth of two beings of immense power. These 'siblings' controlled the powers of light and darkness, and together created the world of Arvakien, eventually becoming known as the First-Born among the mortals that would come to inhabit the world. They held dominion over the realm, and with benevolent hands they guided the mortals of the realm into an era of peace, prosperity, and enlightenment. This age would not last, as a great calamity would befall the realm and shatter its unity. A dark being known only as the Vulgoth (Shadowed One) would lay siege to the realm, and the war that would follow would last for a hundred years. Only through the sacrifice of the first born and millions of brave souls, would the Vulgoth and their armies be defeated. Now, thousands of years after the end of this war, the realm is still piecing itself back together. Nations struggle for power and stability, fantastical and gargantuan beasts traverse the realm, and shadows move just out of sight, offering omens of dark days to come. As trouble brews within the realms of mortals, new heros may have to arise to take up arms against what festers in the dark.