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Session 3: The Gut-Cutter Report

General Summary

The Gnoll Encampment

"As you rifle through the contents of the primitive tent, you feel a rhythmic vibration rising up through your feet until it thumps deep in your chests. Soon the beat manifests into sound, the thunder of a drum approaching."   "The sudden tension is broken by a soft, gravelly voice: 'I reckon you all are fucked.'"
Ping, the halfling ranger, stands behind the group after having sneaked in under the half-rotten leather walls of the tent. His skin is darkened by soot that he used to provide himself more cover. He provides the party with the following information:
  • 20 gnolls are on their way, accompanied by an albino gnoll bitch that stands a foot taller than any of her pack.
  • The albino wields a wicked looking greataxe.
  • The albino is accompanied by two hungry-looking dire wolves.
  • The gnolls are definitely going to notice that all of their pack-mates are dead (which Ping would begrudgingly admit is pretty impressive).
Ping asks if the party is still intent on following through with their mission. He'll give them the option of:
  • Running, or
  • Staying behind and trying to finish their mission.
If the party runs, Ping will try to lead them out of the encampment quietly, leading them to some dark earth/soot that to roll around in and give them more cover.   If the party decides to stay and wait, he'll offer his help. He asks the party to try to lay in wait, not drawing attention to themselves until they get his signal. He then retreats through the back of the tent. Using a Ring of Wind, Ping pushes the closest wildfires from the east toward the encampment. Once the fire reaches the encampment the gnolls are stirred and chaotic, attempting to save of their meager possessions what they can. The albino gnoll isn't so easily swayed and is determined to investigate the camp.   The fire follows these rules:
  • The flames travel 10 ft./round from the southeast corner of the map to the northwest corner of the map.
  • Characters that end their turn in a fire engulfed square take 1d6 damage at the start of their next turn.
Furthermore, Ping assists the party by doing the following:
  • He kills one gnoll every 2/3 rounds using his archery.
The albino sends the dire wolves into the tent first to investigate. Aggressive and hungry, the wolves will bark and then immediately attack the party. The albino soon follows:
"Drawn by the barking and snarling wolves, a white-furred gnoll pushes her way through the woven leather sheets that make up the door to the tent. Her eyes burn red and the mane of dreadlocked fur going from her head and down her back seem to woven in garnet and stained in blood. Jagged scars cut through her fur in a 'V' from her neck, across her breasts, and down to her navel.   "She snarls as she adjusts her grip on a terrible weapon. The handle of the greataxe she wields is bone white, veined in black. The head of the axe is like brushed steel, waved with vicious points. The edges of the blades seem to be knocked with sharp black teeth still hanging onto the viscera of its last kill.   "She growls at them in gnoll, 'Beware the Gut-Cutter! Her hunger is never sated!'"
She attacks the party. Use the Flind stat block; make any adjustments as necessary.   Treasure: The total amount of loot found in the tent:
  • 566 gp
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (5/50 charges)
  • 4 jade figurines (each worth 150 gp)
  • If the party is able to loot the surrounding area, they will find 100 gp, which will be reduced depending on the spread of the fire (50 gp for 50%, for example).
After slaying the gnolls, the party can make their way back to the village, escorted by Ping. He'll remind them that they'll want to bring some evidence of their success if they haven't thought of it already.  

Return to the Village

Points to address upon the return to the warlord:
  • The body of the warlord's son is still in view, though herbs and fragrant flowers surround it.
  • The warlord congratulates the party of their success and his mood immediately becomes hopeful and brightens. He thanks them for their service to the village, the Empire, and his son.
  • Servitude, the tiefling emissary, also congratulates the party on their service to the Empire and promises that she will speak to them of their reward after attending to some business with the warlord.
  • The tiefling, with the help of her clerks/priests, begins the preparations for turning the warlord's son into an Ancient Ancestor. The room will be blocked off and magic sigils protecting against scrying will be applied to the walls of the room. Various other magic symbols will be drawn in various materials about the room.
  • The Empire's servants also prepare the village for the installation of the though-influencing device.
  • Servitude asks for their continued service to the Empire "and all of the gold and prestige that comes along with it."
  • Egg Shen, on the other hand, asks for their service. If they need proof, all they need do is wait for the rise of the iron sphere.

Black Iron, Red Dragon
Report Date
01 Oct 2020

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