Ghost Tower of Inverness - Session 5: Into the Water Wing Report

Missions/Quests Completed

As the characters descend the stairs a striking contrast to the South East tower becomes apparent.  This section of the dungeon is in immaculate state of repair complete with polished floors.  As opposed to being happy to encounter sturdy stairs and walkways the party is suscipicious.   A view which becomes fruitful as they make there was to the bottom of the spiral staircase.

Keen sight of the party members allow them to discern transparent (almost invisible) oozes make their way among the tower basement environs.  Where ever they go they leave a trail of repair and cleanliness but the acrid smell of whatever they use to accomplish theirs tasks bellies the dangerous nature of these creatures.   Erring on the side of caution the PCs waith until the oozes are busy repairing/cleaning the far reaches of the chamber before stealthfully moving past into the hallway which lies beyond.

WATER WING HALLS OF KNOWLEDGE HEIROGLYPSH   The PCs take time to research the ancient language to discover:

  • the powers of the element of water; particularily its association as the liquid of life
  • the glyphs indicate the creation of the baths of Galep-draedil which purportedly have great healing properties
  • the great wizard Galep-draedil used his connection to the elemental plane of water to fertizes the Sulhm empire
  • the empire was located in what is now the Bright Dessert (perhaps with the wizards abscence the land was turned to sand)
  Beyond the Halls of Knowledge the PCs find themselves in an arabesque harem with divans scattered throughout the room.   Whispers of carnal promises waft through the air as the undead spirits of the houris of the harem manifest; their powers of emotional manipulation amplified by their undead existance.

After several rounds of combat the party manages to cause the apparitions to flee via dimension door.

Character(s) interacted with

The Ruin Chanter

  • as the players excricate themselves from the Fire Wing they check in with the bound Ruin Chanter
  • he is still safely secured
  • being an immortal creature he has no need for food to stay alive
Flame Minister Den
  • accompanying the PCs is the new incarnation of the companion Den Withertongue
  • transformed into a Flame Minsiter by the power of the Lich Lyzandred in exchange for service
  • he is a playable NPC whos stats are in Roll20 - please review
  • a good vehicle to explain away coming and goings of PCs plus back up when party is short players

Domains of Greyhawk
Report Date
02 May 2024

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