Slavers Cove Report

General Summary

As the sun goes down in the village square of Helix, the entirety of its residents have gathered to celebrate the return of the Helix Heroes. Also, amongst the crowd are many of those that our erstwhile adventures have freed from the clutches of the Slave Lords.   Lord Ironguard clears his throat; "And that concludes the formal ceremonies for the first annual Helix Heroes Day"   Just as the sun settles for the night, the early evening sky burst in a dazzling array of fireworks. To the villagers this is magic, but to Brother Othar who arranged the display they are but ingredients provided to him by the quasi-deity Murlynd the god of justice and technology.   The whole event was orchestrated by Lord Ironguard, the noble in charge of the Helix valley (including the winery region of Barlox and the foreboding Barrowmaze). Co-sponsored by the Herzog Akitrom (Ironguards superior who is in charge of all the Domains of Greyhawk outside the city proper).   It is a time of merriment in the rare occasion that village gathers as whole. Prince to pauper intermingles from Alllaster the village idiot to Ironguard himself. Stories, wine and food all flow well into the wee hours of the morning.

Rewards Granted

  • 2 Prestige Point per character (I originally said 1 but neglected that the pirates didn't make it to the boat with high value slaves)
  • 692 worth of gold or capital (PC can decide how it's split up)
  • Anklys +2
  • Lamellar Armor +1
  • Wand Ablative Barrier (23 Charges)
  • Wand True Stricke (25 charges)
  • Curved Elven Blade +1
  • Chain Shirt +1

Missions/Quests Completed


  • Congratulations the first major event the party has succeeded in
  • recovered some high value slaves (Dens actions preventing them from leaving the cove on the boat
  • only partially successful - Lucilla seems contact being a ghostly ruler of Falcons Peak

Character(s) interacted with

Lady Lucilla

  • parted with the characters with an understanding that her keep is not to be entered (attitude neutral)
Markessa the Red
  • believes herself to be a clone of the true Markessa which she elaborates her story (article forthcoming)
  • after careful inspection players discover surgical scars which indicates that she is actually an elf surgically altered and brainwashed to believe she is a clone
  • seethes with anger towards player characters
  • "the red" - the real Markessa dyes the hair of her impersonators - "reds" combine magical and martial powers
Markessa the Pink (slain)
  • "pink" Markessa's are nautical and/or aquatic in nature
  • was a fey sirine altered/brainwashed
Slave Lord Pirates
  • several survived the PCs liberation of slavers cove
  • not much combatants - but transport specialists for slaves
  • reveals their ships carry magic sails which can alter their appearance for disguise
  • sails change to vibrant yellow to symbolize the slave lords (used much like the jolly roger)
  Lord Akitrom
  • continued friction between him and Django Dill
  • Holds a celebration in honor of the player characters
  • negotiates a ransom for Markessa the Red in exchange for freeing Greyhawk citizens
  • decrees Falcons Peak "off limits" to the citizenry
  • hopes that Lucilla will either fade away or be happy with just being Lord of the Keep
  Representives from the banker/tax collectors guild
  • freed from Falcons Peak
  • increased the gold value reward (already calculated in rewards section)
  • if taken as a contact can possibly give a 10% discount on purchases within the domain of greyhawk OR give a loan (interst is only 50% not 100%)
  •   Seth Baun
    • freed from Falcons Peak
    • Member of the Golden Bough
    • encourages the friction between Django and Akitrom
    • if taken as a contact can gain the Golden Bough an allegiance for a cost of 2 prestige points


    Some things to keep in mind during this campaign.  

    • more opportunity to continue after defeat for both PCs and NPCs
    • i.e. if you lost in slavers cove but there were survivors the campaign would have continued in the Slave Pits of the Pomarj
    • i.e. the ransom exchange with Markessa "the red"

    • the PCs do have an impact on the World of Greyhawk
    • i.e. Helix Heroes Day
    • this something I plan to carry and make other players aware for further campaigns (I'm thinking about doing a open invite campaign on ROLL20 using your guys adventures as inspiration)

    Domains of Greyhawk
    Report Date
    25 Aug 2023

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