Funeral of Pejab Testof Report

Character(s) interacted with

Skazod Granitespine

  • cleric from Clan Testof sent from Castle Greyhawk to perform rites on Pejab
  • Gords new character
Cedric Lawson (Mayor of Rivers End)
  • thankful of the PCs actions and sad at Pejabs loss
  • offers to intern Pejab at Heroes Vigil a standing stone monument outside of Rivers End (also burial place of the dragon slayer Igron)
  • enacts a new holiday of "Dragons Fall" which commemorates the leaving of Mortimer and the sacrifice which Pejab made
Bruce Pendrel
  • thanks the PCs for their support and delivering him back home
  • reminisces of when Pejab stood up for him against the Hellions when he attended Ellara's Orphanage
  • plans to stay in Elmshire where he'll set-up a investigation agency
  • the agency is a means in which he hopes to gather clues to the person which hired the assassins who killed his mother
  • will also help his cousin in running the wine shop which his deceased mother had
Rylee Pendrel
  • takes over Bruce's mother wine shop
  • becomes a client of Muslich Winery (adds to its revenue rolls)
Jaana Vesuri
  • hearing of Pejabs death she drops everything to attend the funeral
  • reveals that in the parties abscence she joined Murlynds White Paladins (a firearm using knightly order)
  • her desire was based on the honor presented by her late friend Pejab
  • performs a couple of medium seances - one for Pejab and one for the Dragon Slayer Irgon at Heroes Vigil
Igron (deceased Dragon Slayer)
  • contacted via seance through Jaana
  • confirms what the party sussed out regarding the Dragon and wizard Mortimer being one and the same
  • reveals that he never slayed a dragon he attempted to kill Mortimer but after his party was nearly wiped out the dragon parleyed
  • a deal was struck the Igron and his surviving companions would steer people away from dragon hunting and the Mortimer in turn would produce dragon berries
Gruffo Brandywood (Actor and Owner of the Mirage Theatre)
  • this is the NPC you guys rolled up (sorry forgot his name you guys gave him)
  • he has a hatred for Django Dill as the druids father had an affair with his wife
  • part of his revenge was creating a play which satirizes the PC group
  • with the sacrifice of Pejab the bard had re-wrote the deceased dwarves part to make him look like the hero he was
  • for an idea of how such a play would look check out recap of Avatar episodeĀ

Domains of Greyhawk
Report Date
28 Jan 2024

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