Falcons Peak Report

Rewards Granted


Gold 162 per player
Silver 98 per player
Prestige Point 1 per player
Capital (Goods) 56 per player  


Potion Cure Moderate
Potion Cure Moderate
Potion of Bears Endurance
Potion of Bears Endurance
Arrows +1 x25
Silver Sheen masterwork Dagger
Gems 150 x3
Scythe Holy Symbol of Nerull 1500
Large Shield +1
Flind Bar +1
Gold Ring w/Amethyst 200
Gold Braided Chain 100
Action Points 3

Missions/Quests Completed


The player on the approach to the keep known as falcons peak, spy a cave entrance half way up the hill which the keep is named for.   Hoping that this may provide a secret entrance into the slavers newly acquired stronghold the characters make their trek up the steep slope, where they find Gnoll sentries hiding behind boulders at the caves entrance.   The gnolls use the massive rocks as both cover and as weapons by rolling them down upon the PCs, however with some clever positioning and use of spells and curses the bestial ambushers fall to the blades and arrows of the party.   Travelling through the caves the PCs manage to get the drop on advanced Gnolls known as Flinds. These elite warriors guarding an entranceway into a central chamber which house a little over a dozen of whelplings. As the party makes there presence known by tossing one of the bodies into the central cave, the younglings flee to an ante chamber.   Taking a few rounds the players hunt down the whelpling only to be met by an advanced Flind warrior and his giant demonic hyaena guardian. Despite the feircesome-ness of these creatures the party finds them selves victorious.  


  The characters regroup after slaying the Flind leader of the gnolls along with his Demonic Hyaena pet.   Takes some wrangling but the party manages to placate the gnoll whelplings with enough food to have them calm down (if not terrified of the PC intruders).   A careful inspection of the room reveals the following:
  • worshippers of Yeenoghu
  • a blood trail (vicitim not struggling) leads up the side of a 20 ft. cliff in the cavern and beyond in a tunnel on the precipice which has been deliberately blocked off with boulders
  • gathering of capital goods consisting of weapons, armor and clan items


The characters enter the cave beyond the blockage at the top of the cliff, they find winding darkened caves. The PCs worry of carry light sources proves to be fortuitous as they would find themselves ambushed by Ghouls hidden on ledges just beyond their dancing light magic.

The ensuing battle saw a near TPK but the players managed to rally and by strategically repositioning themselves were able to somewhat counteract the undead wall climbing abilities, though several members found themselves paralyzed by the undead.

NOTE: The ghouls were deliberately created by the Gnolls. They entombed captives in the caves with no food in the hopes the cannibalism would (and did occur) attracting the attention Doresaine Lord of Ghouls and vassal of the Gnoll god Yeeognhu


Within the ghouls caves lies a pit full of skeletons whose flesh had been picked clean by the ravenous dead. Through detect magic and some digging a few potions were procured.  


  At both ends of the ghoul caves were tunnels blocked by debris. With their keen perception the PCs managed to notice several snakes writhing amoung the boulders of one blockage, surmising a snake pit lay beyond. Avoiding this they made their way to the second hidden cave.  


After much sifting and digging the debris of the second tunnel ended in a masonry wall. By prying one of the bricks loose the party managed to see beyond into a temple of sorts dedicated to the Grim Reaper. Skeletons clad in armor flanked the room.

Testing out a hunch arrow were shot at unmoving cadavers, which brought about an immediate response. Showing intelligences the undead repositioned themselves as not to be in the line of fire from the losend brick in the wall.

At a loss of what to do, the dwarf of the party rammed the wall causing it to tumble on a couple of the undead, which spurned melee from them and their brethren with one skeleton making a break (presumably to get reinforcements).

The group made relatively short work the temple defenders, and made haste to track down the one fleeing enemy through the halls of what were obviously a crypt, finally spotting the undead opening one of the vaults, releasing a Wight.
Though the battle was a short as the previous one Pejab would suffer energy drain at the hands of the vile creature.

Domains of Greyhawk

Gordon Lyle

-Level Barbarian 1
Report Date
06 Jun 2023

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