Ghost Tower of Iverness Part 3 - The War Wing Report

General Summary

The characters delve into the dungeon proper after interrogating  the Ruin Chanter.

Rewards Granted

  • Invite to join Lyzandreds Hollowed Ones
  • note taken but probably could recycle/rebuild some of the brass defender constructs
  • magical training dummy
  • historical war records worth capital

Missions/Quests Completed

Making their way through the SE tower the Bjorn breaks through the floor weakened by age. His compatriots manage to avoid a similiar fate and hustle down to check on the fallen comrade.

As the PCs make their way through an incredibly long hallway covered in heirglyphs they take their time to discern images meaning. Whereupon, they discover the "Tale of Fire" as narrated by Galep-Dreadil the creator of the dungeon.

  • it is the Flan Tribes mastery of fire which allowed them to conquer the land
  • warns of the benefits and perils of using fire
  • through fire the ancient wizard was able to forge an armory which no competitor could match
  • the Ghost Tower itself has a level which borders the elemental plane of fire
  • Galep-draedil explored the healing flame which wasn't fire but the brilliance of the positive material plane
  • impress by the planes healing abiities it too was made accessable through the ghost towers uppermost level
  • See characters interacted with below
  Halfway through the hallway the PCs discovered a guard post in disarray ravaged by the tides of time. The door is secure and can be locked from the inside - perhaps a good resting place if needed.

The long hallway takes a 90 degree turn north leading to double doors which open into a now defunct training ground. Running along the middle of the grand chamber is a jousting barrier. Strewn across the ground are pieces of armor and weapons in varying states of decay.

Forging straight ahead instead of investigating the rooms the PCs come across steam like automatons which assemble themselves from the pieces of armor lying about. After a brief melee the players emerge victorious.

Beyond the training grounds is yet another long hallway which is a mirror of the one travelled before (short distance followed by a 90 degree turn) with one exception: the heiroglyphs replaced by numerous mosaics decorating the walls revealing the martial history of the Ghost Tower of Inverness.
  • through their mastery of fire the Flan were able to forge weapons
  • Galep-Draedil was able to have his people conquer what is now known as the Bright Dessert
  • though in those days the Bright Dessert was a dense rain forest valley - what caused the transformation has been lost to history
  • Galep's elite troops seemed to be indentured hobgoblin tribes
  • the troops were lead by an Ogre Magi
The characters come across the apartment like studio once belonging to the Ogre Magi commander.  All what one would expect in a living area (except large size) can be found here in varying states of decay.   Of note are two things:
  • journals of military campaigns waged a 1000 years ago
  • a training dummy that is magical in nature 

Character(s) interacted with

Trailing the PCs was a great ball of fire; which reveals itself to be Burwenna the Flame Minister of the lich Lyzandred. Turning into her human form she seeks to parley with the characters

  • reveals that she scried the characters as they fought the Ruin Chanter in the courtyard
  • reveals that she spy upon areas bathed in a spirit bonfire (like the one in the courtyard)
  • give encouragement as she states "Lyzandred, does indeed think you may be worthy of the soul stone"
  • "you have his blessing"
  • furthermore she offer the PCs an opportunity to join Lyzandreds cause by becoming hollowed ones
The PCs decline the flame ministers offer. She in turn tries to sweeten the pot.

"I understand that trust is hard to come by while adventuring. To show Lyzandreds grace I offer one of your number to become a flame minister overseeing your group."

After some debate Den Withertongue accepts the offer as not only does he see this as a way to increase the parties chances of success but as a means to acquire more power and influence for himself.

After an hour long ceremony the rogue is transformed into a flame minister.   Bruwenna warns him he is there to observe and provide hollowed status if the PCs choose to take that road upon their deaths.

Related Reports

Ghost Tower Session 1

Ghost Tower Session 2

Domains of Greyhawk
Report Date
16 Apr 2024

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