The Adventure Begins Report

Rewards Granted

  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (10 charges) - taken from Hags Hut (Yvaines - Erics characters mother)
  • Wand of Light (10 charges) - taken from Hags Hut
  • Wand of Resurgence (10 charges) - taken from Hags Hut
  • an unkown scroll, wand and a potion - taken from the Hags Hut (note she's known to have cursed items)
  • 3 doses of Giant Poisonous Frog Venom - taken from discovered bodies of Frogs which were previously killed by pirates)
  • Cutlasses (3) and a Blackpowder Pistol with 10 rounds of shot - found at pirate storage site in the jungle of neverland
  • 2 prestige points (more on later during next sesstion) - for subduing the Lost Boys and saving (flipping the turtles over)

Missions/Quests Completed

Getting Supplies for the Journey

  • successful for the most part, some couldn't get all their equipment
  • picked up a new companion at Elara's Orphanage/School (Will H's half-orc) character who wanted some excitement
The Stuck Wagon
  • character bypassed a wagon which was stuck in the mud - much to the owners who were miffed that the kids wouldn't help
  • to the side of the road farther down the characters discovered a broken tablet which held a spent rock to mud spell (were those people ambushed?)
Gathering Info from the Helix Hag
  • along the laneway to the cottage it obvious it has its guardians - from the scarecrow whose head followed characters moves to the ravens which followed them
  • too scared to disturb the Hag who was busy at her cauldron brewing faeries (live)
  • did convince the adoptive daughter Yvaine (Erics character) to join them and to "borrow" some of the hags items
Arriving in Neverland at the Peninsula
  • wishing upon the star dust provided by Peter to the characters do indeed grant them travel to Neverland
  • the characters arrive upon a peninsula shocked by the sudden shift between night (of Oerth) and day (of Neverland)
  • upon the beach the characters discover several gigantic turtle flipped over on their backs - the characters work hard to upright them
  • as the turtles made it to the water from the shoreline the characters swear they heard them say "thank you"
Exploring the Cove of the "Jolly Roger"
  • as the characters literally descended upon Neverland from the sky they notice a galleon anchored in a cove
  • later confirmed by the Lost Boys (see below) to be the infamous "Jolly Roger" captained by none other than Captain Hook
  • while approaching the ship along the beach the characters notice swarms of flying fish (with literal feathered wings) being snagged by what appeared to be several arachnids buried under the sand as the fish ffowl were trying to feed on seaweed washed up on the beach
Exploring the Jungle
  • deciding that the coast was too dangerous with the spiders the characters decide to delve deeper into the forest
Jungle Encounter: the Culled Tree Frog Nest
  • characters come across a bunch of tree frogs slaughtered by blade and buckshot
  • Pejab (Gords character) manages to identify and extract some poison from the dead animals
Jungle Encounter: Pirate Supplies
  • Characters come across a cache of pirate items
Jungle Encounter: Ambush by the Lost Boys
  • Lost Boys accompanied by a few Piskie Faeries not knowing if the party was aligned with pirates or Peter decided to ambush
  • went south for the Neverland inhabitants pretty quickly and were all captured while trying to flee
  • parley/interrogation did procure much information (see character's interacted with below)

Character(s) interacted with

Parents/Guardian of the Player Characters

  • some characters got caught trying to retrieve their gear
  • the adult guardians/parents all seemed to imply to import of performing the Tithing Ritual/Coming of Age ceremony
Hapless Wagoneers
  • though not interacted with characters could probably identify them again
The Hag of Helix
  • not interacted with but her abode and general vibe is creepy as hell
  • discovered that though she is helpful to the village - there's usually some price
  The Turtles on the Beach
  • did we hear right, did they say "Thank You" as they deparated?
The Piskie Faeries Accompanying the Lost Boys
  • not much was gleamed from them as they communicate in a series of chimes (perhaps some with skill in music could translate)
  • they do pantamime however
  • there glow (which can at times be as bright as a candle) seems to indicate their mood - and grants an accompanying power based on that mood
The Lost Boys
  • feral and poorly behaved and over dramatic too the extreme (like everything is play acting)
  • don't want to leave the island and devoted to Peter Pan as "he is the wisest and smartest" and he chose them because they were rewarded as being "clever"
  • hard to tell if any of these kids were from Helix - but one of them does mention he thought one of their comrades mentioned the Oerthian Town
  • hate/fearful of  Captain Hook and the pirates - who now seem to have allies amongst the spiders
  • let slip that the Harding family (family from the Peter Pan story) outgrew the antics of Peter and the lost boys and left the tribe
  • they're not too sure what happened to Wendy or John Harding but does know that Michael Nicholas Darling resides in the mountains where plies his craft as a smith for the good of the islands inhabitants
  • note on bullet point above - I mentioned John but got him mixed up with Michael Nicholas
  • Willing to see if the Peter Pan will let the PCs come to their tree fort - they suggest that if they go back and find the tunnels under the Pirate Cache, Peter would be more willing to let them to their hideout

Related Reports

  • to me it seemed not a lot got accomplished, until I wrote up this report
  • gotta get better with pacing
  • will endeavor to have more things pre-rolled as opposed to doing it on the fly
  • I know a lot is getting thrown at PCs but try and be familiar with the stuff you have access to

Domains of Greyhawk

Django Dill

-Level Druid 4
Report Date
02 Apr 2023

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