Ghost Tower of Inverness - Prologue

Missions/Quests Completed

The PCs are invited to a galla held by the Seekers organization. Once a year a pre-determined lodge is expected to hold an event where individual members can share their findings. As archeologists, researchers and explorers each are expected to have a general area of expertise and a specific objective.

For the most part Seekers are fairly open with the information they share, though many members keep the best secrets to themselves.

Like most conclaves many Seekers are not present due to how spread out the organization is (there's around 250 Seekers throughout the Flannesse) and the fact the many are currently on expeditions. This year is no different with only a couple of dozen in attendance.

Uncustomarily, PCs who are not Seekers have been invited. This was at the request of Cellek; the former Seer (and Seeker) of the Couny of Urnst, who has a mission for them (see below).

Though the deep conversations and scientific discoveries are beyond much of the knowledge of the PCs, they do manage to engage with several members of the organization.

Character(s) interacted with

The character interacted with the following Seekers.  

Mazzah the Magnificent
LODGE: Helix GENERAL STUDY: Astrology/Astronomy SPECIALTY: Wild Space
PLANNED EXPEDITION: Explore Greyspace the system which contains Oerth
RACE/CLASS: Human; Wizard (Diviner)
  • mentor to Freya
  • his lodge was chosen to put on the conclave with lectures taking place in his tower obervatory (complete with hughe telescope)
  • festivities taking place in the local tavern the Brazen Trumpet - as Mazzah doesn't like people messing around his tower/observatory
  • seems to have a extremely close working relationship with Cellek as both have speciaties in divination
LODGE: Currently none GENERAL STUDY: Prophecies SPECIALTY: The Soul Stone
PLANNED EXPEDITION: Ghost Tower of Inverness (the current adventure)
RACE/CLASS: Human/Oracle
  • has a mission for the players to resuce a band of adventurers he sent into the Ghost Tower of Inverness
  • he willing to pay the characters to go forth rescue them as well as recover the Soul Stone
  • provides some background knowledge (see related reports below)
  • some of the PCs have heard of Cellek - he was the former right hand man to the Duke of Urnst
  • shortly after the failed expedition to Inverness he left his position as Court Seer
  • PCs aren't sure if his exile was voluntary or not
  • with loss of position he also lost his Seeker Lodge and is effectively "couch surfing" at other lodges
Belladaire Bargle
LODGE: Elmshire GENERAL STUDY: Tomes/Grimoires SPECIALTY: Book of Gaub
PLANNED EXPEDITION: Would like to follow up leads on the Book of Gaub but is currently trying to locate John Bargle the Infamous
RACE/CLASS: Gnome/Archivist
  • currently trying to rid himself of the deprivadations of Bargle the Infamous
  • lets PCs know he'll share any info he comes across
  • willing to join the PCs in ridding the world of his nemesis namesake
  • can be a source of meta-magic components the PCs can purchase
LODGE: Elmshire GENERAL STUDY: Biolgogy SPECIALTY: Creature constructs
PLANNED EXPEDITION: None currently but on the lookout for creature components (especially dragon parts)
RACE/CLASS: Human/Wizard (Universal)
  • mentor to Bjorn Johanson (Will H. character)
  • member of Aurics Warband (currently Greyhawk Games champions)
  • Auric the leader is Bjorns father who wanted his son to study under Kellek
Eyana Klunn
LODGE: Greyhawk City GENERAL STUDY: Geneology SPECIALTY: Lost Heirs
PLANNED EXPEDITION: Currently none but always offers to do geneology for others
RACE/CLASS: Half-elven/Rogue, Wizard, Arcane Trickster
  • a veritable "who's who" gazeteer for people in the domain of Greyhawk and beyond
  • very bard like in behaviour a pleasant change from the stuffiness of other Seekers
Serini Glistermane
LODGE: Maure Castle GENERAL STUDY: Zoology SPECIALTY: Animal training
PLANNED EXPEDITIONS: None - but always on the lookout for creatures she can try and train/study
RACE/CLASS: Elven/Ranger
  • also an open card carrying member of the Purple Veils
  • being of the Ultra-violet rank she can publicly admit her allegiance
  • though she trains a variety of creatures she most known for training Tyrgs (tiger/worg crossbreeds)
  • she's willing to sell these (an indeed the party does buy one - 5000 gold)
  • hopefully more later on her menagerie of trained creatures
Arley the Weaver
LODGE: Maure Caslte GENERAL STUDY: Woven items SPECIALTY: Magical tapestries
PLANNED EXPEDITIONS: Garden of Ynn (once he rediscovers the creation of the a plane spanning tapestry)
  RACE/CLASS: Gnome/Sorcerer
  • lost the creation process of the Tapestry of the Plantmaster to a band of adventurers known as The Lightbringers
  • through this tapestry he can travel to the Gardens of Ynn
  • excited to query the PCs on their adventure at Falcons Peak
  • reveals that the tapestry map currently under control of the haunt Lucilla Falcon is magical
  • apparently and can help locate creatures with the tapestries pervue (being a map of the Flannesse)
  • possible expedition may be in the works to Falcons Peak


History of the Ghost Tower of Iverness
  Know you that in the elder days before the Invoked Devastation and the Rain of Colorless Fire, when the ancient peaks of the Abbor-Alz still thrust skyward sharp and majestic and the Flan tribesmen were but newcomers to the land, there existed between the Bright Desert and the mouth of the river Selintan a great fortress called Inverness.

The walls of this castle were said to be proof against enemies and all things magical or natural. Know you also that here was said to dwell the great wizard Galap-Dreidel at the height of his power and glory, and that he did lift the Castle Inverness from the very foundation of rock upon which it rested.

Most grand and terrible of all Galap-Dreidel's work was the keep's great inner tower; for it was there that the wizard's most prized possession, an eldritch jewel known only as the "Soul-Gem", was said to rest. Legend says that it was like a great white diamond and that it glowed with the brilliance of the sun.

In years long past it had fallen from the sky and landed in the foothills of Abbor-Alz where Galap-Dreidel discovered it as it lay in the fires of its glory. Through magicks most arcane and knowledge forbidden to mortal men he did bend its power and shape the stone to his will.

Stories say that the light of the gem dragged the souls of men screaming from their mortal flesh and trapped them within its many facets. Galap-Dreidel, it was said, harnessed this power and used it against those who opposed his will. They also say that he who controlled the gem could call forth the stolen souls of men and make them do his bidding.

For the stone Galap-Dreidel raised up the great central tower and filled his castle with many horrible creatures and deadly traps and, using a great incantation, he did wrest the tower from the very fabric of time and set it apart so that those within would not be affected by the passage of years. Thus it was that his traps never faltered nor did his guardians age or need food.

Townsfolk whispered that Galap-Dreidel would, at times, set a prisoner free in the tower merely for the sport of his beasts. Some legends tell that his power was so great that he even taught the gem to protect itself from those who would take it from him.

But despite his great power there came a time that Galap-Dreidel did leave on a journey northwest, over the river Selintan, and did not return. At this time there came a great multitude of superstitious peoples from surrounding lands who laid siege to the castle and threw down the great tower. And it came to pass that despite this seeming victory over their feared former master the people did shun the area and it was said that on fog-shrouded nights the great central tower of the Fortress Inverness could still be seen.

Turning to Justinian Lorinar, Duke of Urnst for aid, the Seer recounted to him the story of the Soul Gem and of the magician's own unsuccessful attempt to recover it. He convinced the Duke that the gem could be both a very powerful protection from one's enemies and a great tool with which to battle the forces of evil.

He confided that he, the Seer, knew how to use the gem's power and could teach Duke Lorinar this knowledge, if he could but obtain the jewel.The Seer advised Lord Justinian that a small band of powerful and experienced adventurers might succeed where he alone had failed. He assured the Duke that with the power of a geas, or means of more subtle persuasion, he could insure that the quest would be properly carried out.

Insight Into the Previous Adventurers
NOTE: This is the tournament intro and what the band of adventurers the PCs are sent to rescure would have experienced.

You don't know what time it was when you were awakened, for the room stayed in had no windows. All you know is that you have been roughly dragged from your cot by the palace guard, and that you now find yourself walking down a long, dimly-lit corridor. With you are four people whom you have never met before, each escorted by several heavilyarmed guards similar to the ones who walk by your side.

You wonder what the others could have done to deserve so dubious an honor.

In front of you a great iron door swings open, filling the corridor with an almost blinding light. Before you stretches a huge room ornately decorated with elaborate columns and finely detailed wall hangings. One of your group, a simply clad woman steps out onto the finely polished floor before you and into the throneroom ahead of her guards. The rest of you follow behind her, urged forward by the spears which the guards impatiently press into your backs.

Across the chamber sits Duke Justinian Lorinar of Urnst. To his right, partially shrouded in shadow stands his advisor, the mysterious magician known only as the Seer. At a motion from the Duke your party is urged forward to stand before the ducal throne.

A smile creeps across the Duke's face as he speaks to your small band. He seems strangely pleased with the turn of events. "I imagine you are wondering why you have been brought to appear before me today." His eyes sweep approvingly over the five figures in your group; none of you betray any apprehension about what is to come.

"Most of you," he continues, "have been convicted of crimes for which you should spend the greater part of your lives in my dungeons."

His gaze falls upon one of your party, a thin man with a shortblack beard. "Hodar," he begins, "you dared to defy a royal order and continued to dabble in sorceries which I had forbidden to all the people of my realm."  Hodar's face remains calm as the Duke turns to the next of your group.

"I should have thought that a warrior of your caliber, Lembu, would have known better than to slay a captain of the guard in a bar room fight." A broad grin is the huge warrior's only reply. "Never mind the eleven guardsmen you killed while resisting arrest."

"Zinethar," says the Duke, shaking his head as he addresses the next in line, a distinguished-looking man with gray hair, "your wisdom must have left you when you decided to lead that ill-fated Temple Coalition revolt these three months past."

"And you, Discinque, your rash daring and bravado is really to be marvelled at. One has to wonder where you would be now if not for that broken cornice which caused you to fall —with the Crown Jewels in hand — on top of sergeant Norlik and his men while they were out on patrol." The thief merely shrugs.

The Duke then turns and slowly bows to the last of your group; the tall barefoot woman. "Of all you five," declares the Duke, "Li Hon is the only one here who should not spend the rest of her life in prison for some crime. I am deeply honored, Li Hon, that your monastery saw fit to offer your services to me as payment of this year's taxes."

As the Duke finishes speaking the shadowed figure of the Seer steps forward to address you. His features are indistinguishable beneath the long robe which hides all but his gnarled hands from view. "It is fortunate for all of you that the Duke is both a wise and merciful ruler." His words are almost musiclike but have a strangely malevolent undertone.

"He is willing to make you a most generous offer. Discinque,Hodar, Lembu, and Zinethar, you shall be granted amnesty, and Li Hon, you shall be freed from your bond of service if the five of you can perform but one small task for his majesty."

"Yes," the Duke interrupts, "Recently my advisor, the Seer, has discovered legends of a fabulous treasure rumored to lie somewhere in the ruins of the ancient Keep Inverness — an almost mythical jewel called the Soul Gem. If you can bring it to me, I will grant all of you your freedom."

"You will be given enough gold to equip yourselves for the adventure as you see fit," the Seer adds, "I will provide your party with a most wonderous magical amulet. This amulet will return you to the royal palace when you press the center stud. It will work wherever you may be, for such is the extent of my power that I could locate a single grain of sand on some far distant beach. Be assured that your former stations shall be awaiting you if you return without the gem."

The Duke motions for the group to follow the Seer. "Go now and prepare yourselves for the task," he commands.

Domains of Greyhawk
Report Date
03 Mar 2024

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