Reaping at Rivers End - Conclusion Report

General Summary


"Arghh" Mortifmers disbelief coming from the knocking over of an inkwell caused by the movements of his mobile tower.

The fountain pen in his hand shimmers as it changes shape into a small drake like creature.

"Should we take a break sire?", the caligraphy drakes queries. Its diminutive size even more pronounced against that of the large dragon (despite Mortimers decrepit condition).

"Perhaps you're right, Telvok." Turning and cusping a rune laden metalic sphere Mortimer utters a few arcane words and willing his animated tower to stop.

"We only have a mile or so to go my leige" The telepathic burst responds. The tower itself a magical construct known as a nomadic tower.

"No, here is just fine. Please reconfigure so we have a roof top view platform."

And with that the tower twists and morphs blocks and timbers rearranging themselves to fit its masters command.

"Are you sure you want to do this Mortimer? Maybe the Proteans cast some sort of spell on you." Telvok queries questioning the change in the Gold Dragons demeanor.

" No magics were used my friend. They got me to see that an ending doesn't nescesarily mean my final journey to the void."

"Ahh here we are." Gazing out upon the valley ahead of them the two drakes taken in a panarma dotted by entrances to numerous burial mounds.

"I'm convinced that if anything can save my life and restore me to my destiny can be found here in the Barrowmaze."

Rewards Granted

Gold awarded during session

  • left over spillage from the hasty retreat of the dragon
  • seems like a lot to the PCs but a pittance of his hoard
  Masterpiece Piano (4900 gold)
  • grants a +7 to perform checks
  • Mortimer couldn't bare to bring it with him as it reminded him of his former lover the villager Luna
100 Dragon Berries
  • one of the chaos rolls resulted in Mortimer feeling some guilt
  • as a parting gift to Elmshire
Akizendri Protean Action Points
  • 2 per player for roleplaying and non-combat solutions (if you go over your max. reward yourselves 100 gold x level per surplus point)
  Prestige Points
  • though upset that the dragon took the dragon berry formula the town is greatful for the 100 dagonsberries left by Mortimer
  • each character gets 1 prestige point

Character(s) interacted with

Moritmer the Wizard/Dragon

  • the truth is revealed the wizard Moritimer was actually a dragon in disguise
  • the dragon was using his longevity as a way of mass producing Dragonberries
  • as time went on the citzenry became less grateful (as is nature of short lived beings) which upset the dragon
  • he pretended to have slain his alter ego - his guilt kind of wanted to go out in a blaze of glory against avenging dragon slayers
  • the PCs manage to convince the dragon to make his leave under the condition that the he could clear out his lair and the characters not return for 3 days
The Proteans
  • when the characters returned they found the dragons burrow to be most emptied and occupied by Anzureti protean
  • for info on protean click here Protean
  • wishing to parley with the creatures the PCs couldn't find a common language and a combat ensued
  • the melee would prove to be fatal for Pejab Testof

Domains of Greyhawk
Report Date
13 Jan 2024

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