Reaping at Rivers - Part 1

Character(s) interacted with

Cedric Lawson (Mayor of Rivers End)
The town is so self-sufficient, he's mostly acts as a sounding board for the inhabitants.

He's concern with the missing tower of the wizard Mortimer, as he's crucial in turning the Dragonberries into the disease fighting magical food needed by the Elmshire region. The ceremony must be done in a weeks time or they must wait till the next year (and that's if they can find the recipe).

Mortimer (the Missing Wizard)
The crux of the adventure is that the wizards tower and the halfling himself have gone missing. Mortimer is the one who holds the secrets of transforming the dragonberries into disease fighting agents.

Before his passing Igron (see below) passed the secret of the Dragon Berry ritual to the wizard.

Igron (Savior of Rivers End, Deceased)
Though long dead, the PCs find out the legend of Igron.

During the last plague blight those infected were ejected from Elmshire and founded the town of Rivers End. Still suffering from the disease the villagers pleaded for help and Igron responded.

He promised he could find a cure if he could procure dragons blood. He and two villagers set forth to find a dragon to slay and only he returned (with dragonblood in hand).

It was Igron who created the dragon berry blessing ritual.

Having been mostly absent from daily life within the village, the PCs uncover Lunas secret.  She had sequestered herself because she had become pragnent with the baby of Mortimer the Wizard.  The two didn't want to start a scandal because of their age differences so they decided it best to keep it secret.

  When it came time the birthing shattered the relationship.   Luna gave birth to a baby sized golden egg.  Horrified she fled after abandoning the egg to Moritmer.

The wizard secret paid her money it part because he still cared for the halfling and also to insure her silence.  With Mortimer now gone it has been a great relief to her to reveal the ordeal to the PCs.

Created Content

Ritual: Creat Dragon Berry

Domains of Greyhawk
Report Date
09 Jan 2024

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