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Glaelia Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Glaelia
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Annette Dominic
    Clumsy, but smart and hardworking. Her father disappeared when she was young, and she is ever looking for him.
  • Ashe Ubert
    Hails from castle Gaspard, adopted son of Lord Lonato, who was killed after a mission from the church to quell a rebellion in the western Kingdom.
  • Prince Dimitri Blaiddyd
    Current crowned prince of the Kingdom. House Leader of the Blue Lions class at the officer's academy.
  • Felix Fraldarius
    Shit talking and rude, but will have your back when you need it most. He comes from Kensari, his father being Duke Rodrigue Fraldarius.
  • Ingrid Galatea
    Comes from Galetea territory, she was from birth set to marry Glenn, but he died during the tragedy of duscar. So her goal in life is to become a knight to the king now.
  • Mercedes von Martritz
    Strong follower of the church due to growing up in a church in the eastern kingdom after escaping House Bartels with her mother. Unsure of where her half brother is who was left behind. She is kind and gentle soul.
  • Sylvain Gautier
    Smooth talking and always as they say "skirt chasing." He hails from Gautier territory, city of Woodhurst. He is heir to be the next Margrave, which his older brother, Miklan, was always bitter about.

Sessions Archive

2nd Sep 2023

Black Winds

Retrieve the lance of ruin!

Read the Report
Welcome to the lands of Glaelia!

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Tullius Tythe

Khaless Khalazza


Chainsaw Gutrot