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Session 8 Report

General Summary

The group quickly refreshes their knowledge of the Dwarven Valley as they approach the area and plan a course of action to get into the valley. Barnabas and Mr. BiG take point into the valley. As they approach the valley, they see a contingent of dwarves forming a watch post, each wearing a helm of black ice. Mr. BiG steps up to speak with them, and they brandish weapons as they ask him to halt. He asks who they are, and after a brief confusion on which dwarves are allowed to ask questions, Mr. BiG explains who they are and states they're here to purchase some black ice. They accuse him of trying to steal their black ice, and he refutes their accusation by explaining his status in Baldur's Gate and as a weapon seller. He adds that Helda Silverstream invited them to come see her. Mr. BiG realizes as he says her name that the dwarves seem to become a bit more tense. The dwarves tell him to turn around and head back the way he came, as they are denying him entry on Baerick Hammerstone's orders. Mr. BiG continues to question why they're preventing their access and the dwarves, fed up with the questions, draw their weapons.   Barnabas swung with his fists at the closest dwarf, heavily wounding him. Following up with a single arrow through the throat, Robin kills him, and threatens one nearby to give up or else the next one is his. Saiph turns luminous and fires a light arrow at another dwarf but it goes wide, so she calls down a beam of moonlight on the dwarf, heavily wounding him after a moment. Mr. BiG walks up and touches the third dwarf, and necrotic energy flows into him as his body begins to show signs of disease. Hengar lets out a yell and his hands turn into massive bear claws but his claws slide ineffectively off the black ice breastplate. Barnabas immediately follows up by punching the last two dwarves to death.   Mr. BiG inspects the black ice objects and detects a faint low-level magic aura, but it doesn't seem to have a specific school of magic. Mr. BiG also discovers a punch imprint in the breastplate and gives the stink eye to Barnabas. Mending doesn't fix the indentation, as it's not broken. Robin theorizes that if black ice is used on these caliber of dwarf, then perhaps they have a fair stockpile in the valley rather than only equipping the elite. Robin, Barnabas and Mr. BiG grab some of the items. Barnabas suddenly hugs the axe to his chest and starts staring at the other group members with shifty, suspicious eyes.   The group quickly covers their tracks and stages a fake crime scene to disguise the cause of the guards' disappearance and death. As they head deeper into the cleft that forms the Dwarven Valley, they see the various caverns that split deeper underground to form the dwarven city. They try to find the the equivalent of the Speaker's Hall in the valley, and Robin is pretty sure it's on the west side. Mr. BiG tries to convince them to stop at the smoked trout place that Robin knows about, and they agree to it, so ey lead the way to the tavern.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
30 Dec 2021

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