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Legacy of the Crystal Shard

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Toril
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Supporting Cast
  • Speaker Alden Lowell
    Alden Lowell is a craven opportunist, with none of the qualities of a true leader. After contriving to be named speaker of Caer-Konig, he quickly alienated many of his constituents by supporting Crannoc Siever’s proposal to enforce the terms of the lake’s old fishing charter. Since then, Alden’s career has been wedded to Crannoc’s
  • Speaker Avandro Perth
    With his close-cropped black hair and hawkish features, Avandro is easily recognizable (which proved a distinct liability during his flight from Neverwinter). He speaks in precise, clipped tones and quickly betrays impatience when he thinks his time is being wasted.
  • Speaker Crannoc Siever
    Crannoc Siever is an able sailor and fisher known for his hot temper. Despite his bellicose nature, Crannoc is not prone to violence. Those who know him well understand that belligerence is just his heavy-handed way of avoiding conflict—he would rather shout others into silent agreement than physically fight or debate with them
  • Creedon Connelly
    Creedon Connelly is the ferryman of Easthaven and has held that post since old Spiblin drowned a decade ago. Tall, tan, and wiry, with a mop of brown hair hanging in front of his brow, Creedon waits at the docks every day for passengers who need to make the trip across the southern shore of Lac Dinneshere, across the rivers that feed the lake.
  • Speaker Danneth Waylen
    Danneth Waylen is the earnest, if fretful, speaker of Easthaven. He never wanted the position, but he was nominated for it when the town’s business leaders, after nearly tearing Easthaven apart in their contests to claim the title after the last speaker’s death, finally decided to compromise on a neutral party
  • Speaker Dorbulgruf Shalescar
    Dorbulgruf Shalescar is a dwarf from Ironmaster who moved to Bremen after a mining accident convinced him he had spent enough of his life underground. His unflagging efforts helping Bremen to rebuild after a bad flood earned him the respect of the locals, and his sensible, even-handed nature earned him their trust, eventually prompting them to nominate him as their speaker. Dorbulgruf is getting on in years, and a few wisps of gray are visible in the dwarf’s black beard. He speaks in a slow baritone that brooks no interruption, and he always treats strangers as friends until they give him a reason to do otherwise. His unflappable demeanor is a welcome counterpoint to the hot tempers that often hold sway at the council meetings in Bryn Shander.
  • Speaker Duvessa Shane
    Duvessa Shane is the daughter of a trader from Waterdeep who settled in Bryn Shander after falling in love with a local tavern server. Having inherited her mother’s sharp tongue and her father’s talent for negotiation, it seemed unsurprising in retrospect when Duvessa secured the position of town speaker—the first woman in Bryn Shander to do so.
  • Speaker Edgra Durmoot
    Edgra Durmoot is an old trapper who has lived her entire life in Dougan’s Hole. A plainspoken woman of few words, Edgra is suspicious by nature and tends to be gruff in her dealings with strangers. She is not much warmer with her peers, frequently snapping at the other speakers in council and dismissing their ideas. Many times Edgra has refused to heed a summons to council, and she never attends during the winter months. Some of the other town speakers wonder why she bothers coming to council meetings at all.
  • Speaker Giandro Holfast
    [p]Giandro Holfast is a native of Targos who works as a master shipwright at the town’s docks. He is proud of his work and proud of his town, and it chafes at him to see Targos threatened by the rising star of Easthaven. Like many of his fellow residents, Giandro deeply resents what he sees as Bryn Shander’s machinations to become the preeminent city of Icewind Dale, with all the other towns in orbit around it. The speaker is determined that Targos should hold its own, and though he is not hostile toward his peers on the council, he rebuffs any proposition that he believes would make Targos beholden to the other towns. [p]Giandro is middle-aged, with dark hair and a strong jaw, and might be handsome if not for his perpetual frown. His hands are thickly callused, and he speaks in a stern, gravelly voice.
  • Helda Silverstream
    Helda Silverstream has gray eyes and dreadlocks of long, mahogany hair that she pulls back behind her head. She wears the hooded silver-stitched blue cloak of her clan, fastened with a silver clasp in the shape of a dwarven war axe, marking her as a warrior of the Axe of Mirabar
  • Speaker Kendrick Rielsbarrow
    Kendrick Rielsbarrow is a bluff, good-natured giant of a man and a tireless ambassador for the town of Good Mead. The only thing he loves more than selling his home town’s famous brew is sharing it with good company, so he spends his time traveling about Ten-Towns with a wagon full of mead casks, delivering his stock to the local inns and taverns.
  • Sunlady Mithann
    Mithann is a retired adventuring cleric from Cormyr named Mithann, has a strong personality and speaks a powerful message of hope a rebirth. She calls Amaunator by old names—the Morninglord and the Glory of Dawn—that evoke a different image from that of the stern, rigid sun god who is worshiped farther south.
  • Speaker Shaelen Masthew
    Shaelen Masthew is a charming, outgoing woman who seems to know the name of every person in Termalaine, and her friendly manner makes strangers feel right at home. Shaelen first attended the council meeting in Bryn Shander as a proxy for the previous speaker, who had fallen ill. She was inspired by Duvessa Shane’s example, and when the previous speaker succumbed to his illness, Shaelen convinced the people of Termalaine to elect her as the new speaker. Since then, she has learned much about the politics of Ten-Towns and has become one of the council’s shrewder members. Shaelen is heavyset, with straw-blond hair tied in braids and a beaming smile. She wears a simple woolen dress and apron, her only ornament a brass wedding ring. Though she is not as fiercely intelligent as Duvessa, Shaelen’s appearance and good nature can be disarming, a fact she frequently exploits.

Scheduled Sessions

Tue 4th October 2022 2:00

Session 31

Tue 27th September 2022 2:00

Session 30

Tue 20th September 2022 2:45

Session 29

Tue 13th September 2022 2:00

Session 28

Tue 6th September 2022 2:00

Session 27

Tue 30th August 2022 2:00

Session 26

Tue 23rd August 2022 2:00

Session 25

Tue 9th August 2022 2:00

Session 24

Mon 11th July 2022 19:00

Session 23

Sessions Archive

13th Jun 2022

Session 21

Read the Report
6th Jun 2022

Session 20

Read the Report
30th May 2022

Session 19

Read the Report
16th May 2022

Session 18

Read the Report
9th May 2022

Session 17

Read the Report
25th Apr 2022

Session 16

Read the Report
18th Apr 2022

Session 15

Read the Report
11th Apr 2022

Session 14

Read the Report
16th Feb 2022

Session 13

Read the Report
9th Feb 2022

Session 12

Read the Report
2nd Feb 2022

Session 11

Read the Report
26th Jan 2022

Session 10

Read the Report
19th Jan 2022

Session 9

Read the Report
29th Dec 2021

Session 8

Read the Report
22nd Dec 2021

Session 7

Read the Report
17th Nov 2021

Session 6

Read the Report
3rd Nov 2021

Session 5

Read the Report
28th Oct 2021

Session 4

Read the Report
20th Oct 2021

Session 3: Aftermath in Bryn Shander

30th Sep 2021

Yetis at the Gate

After catching up to the leading wagons of the caravan, the teams struggled to pull their loads through the growing drifts of snow, while the sky above darkened. The snow began to fall more heavily, and the wind resumed its plaintive moan. Finally, after cresting the last hill, the broad walls of Bryn Shander came into view.

Read the Report
22nd Sep 2021

Arrival in Icewind Dale

It's been over a month since the adventurers signed up as caravan guards for the expedition to Faerûn’s far north, the frozen land known as Icewind Dale. The grueling trek up the southern slopes of the Spine of the World was nothing compared to the treacherous crossing over the mountain pass. When the wagon train finally began its descent into Icewind Dale, everyone in the caravan breathed a collective sigh of relief that the journey was nearly at an end.

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP


Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP