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Session 4 Report

General Summary

The group heads to the town hall to speak with the Sheriff. Robin informs the sheriff of the murder they came across earlier, mentioning the note to Aarun, and that Slim was the murderer. The sheriff states he'll send soldiers over to cordon off the area. Robin also mentions the rat footprints, rather than human footprints, when Slim escaped after their short fight.   The second item Robin mentions is Hengar Aesnvaard, in the square. The sheriff confirms that enough evidence was provided for his guilt in a local robbery. Robin asks if he can be released into their custody to tackle the threat of the ice witch, stating that Alcott's testimony is pretty flimsy. He hesitates to release him, believing that there may be a connection between the barbarian tribes and the yeti attacks. He says he would need evidence that there's no connection, or they would need to speak with Speaker Shane.   Sorren asks what the punishment for Hengar's supposed crime is; the sheriff says he's serving it now. Robin realizes that if he is left outside in these temperatures overnight, Hengar would die from hypothermia. Sorren asks if the sheriff can introduce them to the speaker. He agrees, leading them across the town hall to Speaker Shane's quarters. He knocks on the door and states his purpose. She agrees to meet with the group.   Once alone with the speaker, she thanks them for their efforts to save the town. Shane recognizes Robin and asks if ey're from Bryn Shander. Robin says ey grew up in Bremen, but spends a lot of eir time here. Speaker Shane asks why they're here to see her, and Robin lays out the cards - they need Hengar, and they don't believe the testimony against him is true. Robin asks if there's a bail the group can pay, and Speaker Shane thinks for a moment.   Since their plan is to take Hengar out of Bryn Shander, the speaker is amenable to their terms. She mentions the recent attacks keeping the townsfolk on edge, and wonders if there is a connection between Hengar's arrest and the yeti attack breaching the gate when previous attacks had not. When Sorren mentions that the tribes are also suffering from these attacks, she is somewhat comforted that the townsfolk are not the only ones suffering. Sorren states that's why they need Hengar, to try to put a stop to this attack, or else everyone in the Dale may suffer the same way.    She agrees to commute his punishment to banishment under pain of death, but they would need to take him out of the village immediately. Robin requests a letter stating Hengar is to be released into their custody, and Shane quickly writes a note to the sheriff. The group immediately returns to the sheriff and presents the letter. He agrees to the terms of the letter, and requests they keep him under wraps as his freed presence would not be welcomed in the town at the moment. Sorren asks for his personal belongings and the sheriff says he'll have one of his men bring the possessions on their way out. The group leaves the note to Aarun with him, and Sheriff Markham mutters something about speaking with Mithrann.   The group heads out to the soldiers guarding Hengar and show them the letter. They release Hengar and he thanks them for freeing him, and asks if they'll help him and his tribe. The group indicates they agree to help and would like to speak with their leader or Speaker. He agrees to make the introductions and the group sets out to purchase travel goods, asking Hengar how long it will take to get to the camp; he states it should take about three days of fast travel to reach the camp.   After shopping, the group holes up for the night, some to Robin's hole in the wall storefront and others to one of the village inns, Kelvin's Comfort. Those who stay at the inn have a nice meal of tundra stag and brandy, with generally unimpressed opinions on the quality. Those at Robin's   The group is awoken in the wee hours of the morning and find the village alight with a green glow, which turns out to be a building wreathed in green flames. By the time they reach the building, the time to put the fire out has passed, but the warehouse has enough snow protection from the flames that it has not yet caught fire. Barnabas is pretty sure this is some sort of alchemical fire, while Robin recognizes the warehouse as belonging to Dunavan, a trading merchant. The group wonders if this might be related to Slim's shady business. Barnabas explains, in eloquent and complicated terms, what alchemical fire is and how difficult it is to put out by mundane means. With no real means to help, the group returns to their respective quarters and sleeps the rest of the night in relative peace.   The next morning, Helda appears at the Redrun Runners, asking where the rest of the group is at. Robin explains the Kelvin's Comfort group should return shortly, and that the group would be happy to accompany her, mentioning that they will be leaving today. Helda agrees to leave today, and makes Hengar's acquaintance, asking why a 'barbarian' would be headed to the Dwarven Valley. Hengar hesitantly agrees to the stop, as long as they don't spend too much time, emphasizing the urgency of reaching camp.   As they prepare to set out on the road, Hengar explains meeting the mysterious Ice Witch plaguing their tribes in combat, and she disappeared into the snow when his sword sliced through her. After Hengar expresses confusion and ignorance toward black ice, Helda explains that she's interested in getting her hands on them, mentioning some trinkets or items in town made of it, and that she's heard of a schism between some of the dwarves, namely her uncle, Stokely, and one of the earliest adopters of the new material, Baerick Hammerstone, and that the dead were rising in the mines. Barnabas, interested in these trinkets, scours the merchants around town and manages to acquire a black ice item.   Setting out from the northern gate, they make their way on the road toward Targos, the first stop along the way. It's bitingly cold, but they don't meet anyone else upon the road. While on the road, Barnabas inspects the amulet he acquired - black ice in name, but it doesn't feel cold and it seems sturdy enough to hold up in battle. It seems closer to obsidian than ice. There is something arcane about the ice, but would require more research than he has time for at the moment.   They bypass Targos and approach Termalaine after about six hours of travel, as the evening sun begins to set. They know it's not wise to travel after sundown, so they head to the Eastside to procure rooms for the night. Despite some questioning looks, the townsfolk don't harrass the group about Hengar's presence, given the mixed-bag nature of its adventurers, and they split up to their rooms, with Sorren taking up position in the main hall.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
28 Oct 2021

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