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Session 6 Report

General Summary

As the group recovers from the fight, they inspect the camp, looking for the rest of the Elk tribespeople. At the edge of the pool, Robin finds a pile of furs and necklaces stacked up that appear to belong to the Elk Tribe. Robin immediately jumps into the pool, but Hengar beckons em back to shore, explaining that there is a chute at the back of the pool that the tribespeople may have been taken down. He explains that Wulfgar used the chute to access the dragon's lair further in, narrowly avoiding death from an icy waterfall. Robin asked Hengar whether the group should go now or take some time to recover, and Hengar agrees to a short rest to recover, as he was heavily wounded in the fight as well.   After recovering from some of their wounds, the group wades into the waters of the lake, heading toward the back of the pool where the rumored chute is at. A current begins to pull at the group, Robin looks to Hengar for guidance. With a look of both excitement and apprehension, Hengar goes with the current, taking a deep breath as it begins to drag the group under.   The rough waters within the chute batter the group up as they collide with the chute walls, causing bruises and bumps. There's a momentary respite as they reach a wider part of the chute and their heads break the surface. With a deep gasp of much needed air, they are once again forced underwater in the chute. After a moment, they see light at the end of the tunnel, and try to make a leap to save themselves, based on the warning from Hengar.   Despite the foreknowledge, the group failed to find purchase due to the rushing waters and icy surfaces, and fall to the cavern floor amidst the jagged stalagmites. Narrowly avoiding being impaled, the group slowly recovers from the fall. Barnabas uses the electroshock from his gauntlets to rejuvenate himself from the shock of the hard landing. Saiph casts a healing spell on herself while the rest of the group downs some potions of healing, but they hear voices from within the cavern talking. The leader hears their movements and approaches, yelling for the rest of his people to attack once he's discovered them.   After making surprisingly quick work of the Bear tribe shaman and his furies, they rush forward to free the Elk tribe. As they untied the Elk tribe members, voices echoed from deeper within the cave. Knowing from Wulfgar's tales and the icy waterfall barring their passage backward that they have no way out except forward, the group creeps forward toward the voices.   They hear a male voice begging someone to let the tribespeople go, and a woman's voice responds stating she will kill them all as an example to the rest of the Elk tribe if they disobey her commands. As she turns toward the cavern where the tribespeople were left, Robin surprises her with an arrow launched in her direction, as Hengar expresses surprised recognition of the male figure, muttering "Soren?"   After Robin's attack, the Ice Witch raises her hands and the ice dragon's bones rise from the snowy floor and charges Robin, using its tail to attack Saiph as well. Robin yells for the group to focus their attacks on the Ice Witch. An arrow from Robin pierces the Ice Witch and her body begins to break apart like ice and turns into snow as it hits the ground, the ice dragon collapsing at the same time. A voice echoes on the wind, decrying their victory as hollow as the vessel they destroyed.   They rush over toward the man, and Hengar asks why the woman called him father, and he reveals that the woman is his daughter, and appears to have fallen under the Frostmaiden's spell after being banished from the tribe for allegedly killing the shaman's son.   Following the short conversation, they gather the surviving tribespeople, as well as the loot scattered around the dragon's lair, and head toward the exit passage that Soren points out. After a half-day's travel, they arrive at the Evermelt to find the Elk King has arrived with the rest of the tribe, to weather the remaining hard times within the relative safety of the sacred pool.   The tribe makes them honorary members of the tribe for their aid and sacrifice in rescuing the missing tribespeople. The tribe dresses them up in the customary furs and necklaces and throws a feast for the remainder of the night, which the group is invited to stay for. Robin immerses emself in the party spirit while Barnabas seeks out various tribe members to find out the legends and lore of the tribe. Saiph tries to find out information on the northern lights and speak with someone knowledgeable about astronomy and astrology.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
18 Nov 2021

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