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Session 15 Report

General Summary

After meeting with Stokely, the group heads across the Valley toward the Halls of Black Ice, Mr. BiG and Balbreken at the head of the pack. Upon arriving, Mr. BiG explains they're reporting about the necromancer in the mines and Balbreken states they seek an audience with Baerick Hammerstone. The door cracks open to let them in.   After a short trek through the halls, the group reaches the audience chamber with Baerick and a human woman, thin with raggedy clothes, in hushed conversation. As the group approaches, she turns to frown at them. He asks if they are Ten-Towners, and everyone responds they are not, except Robin. The lady turns to Baerick and claims they are trying to hide their status as Ten-Towners. She is introduced as Baccha. Balbreken questions a non-dwarf influence and Baerick counters that she's proven herself where the group hasn't. He asks if the horde of dead zombies in the mines are proof enough, but Baerick counters that none of his men have seen this necromancer, and killing the hordes doesn't stop them from coming.   Barnabas' black ice axe is spotted by Baerick and he accuses him of stealing it. Barnabas claims he picked it up from a dead guard when they were clearing the zombies, but Baerick recognizes it as an axe from the front guard post and orders a guard to retrieve it from him. Barnabas refuses and manages to infuriate him further, insulting his honor, and an enraged Baerick orders his guards to attack the group.   The group quickly turns to flee, with Balbreken forcibly grabbing Barnabas to move him away from the fight. Hengar grabs Barnabas' feet and the rest of the group turns to flee. A guard overhears the commotion and calls for more guards from deeper in the halls to back Baerick up.   The group ends up sandwiched between two fronts of dwarves, with Saiph's charm person spell on Baerick, who has told his dwarves to stand down, but they saw Saiph cast a spell, so they're wary of his orders.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
19 Apr 2022

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