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Session 11 Report

General Summary

25 Eleint   After defeating the zombie horde, the group continues to explore the tunnels near the Temple. Balbreken takes the lead in guiding the group through the mining corridors. Most of the group is hunched over due to the height of the tunnels, with Saiph showing discomfort being this far underground. As they delve deeper in, they hear the sound of water and a low groaning noise. Balbreken isn't sure if it's the sound of the wooden beams shifting or a zombie.   They continue deeper into the mine tunnels, marking the tunnels as they pass through them. After a while, Barnabas and Robin suspect that Balbreken may not be quite as familiar with the tunnels as he claimed to be. They stumble across what Balbreken calls the lunch room -- unfortunately, there is blood spattered on the wall and several bottles of ale strewn about, but a distinct lack of bodies. Robin suspects that the bodies may have been resurrected as part of a zombie starter horde. Robin searches the area for tracks and leads the group off when ey find some.   The group comes across an intersection of various mining tunnels, with carts tipped on their sides and blood scattered about -- but no sign of bodies. Balbreken recognizes this place as the Nexus, where they were told to begin their investigation. Barnabas begins looking around, and discovers someone yet living, though the person is in a panic trying to keep them away. Balbreken tackles him before he can escape, and the man screeches something about the dead. Mr. BiG hands him a bottle of liquor as they try to calm him down. It doesn't help as much as Saiph's spell does. Once he's calm, Barnabas asks him what happened to him.   He explains that he was mining and 'they' came pouring out of the tunnels. A grey-skinned man was with them, commanding the horde. His skin appeared to be very rotten. Barnabas asks him to point out the direction that they came from, and the man points to the northern passage. After that, he turtles inside a nearby mine cart, having no desire to join the group in delving further in.   Heading deeper into the tunnels, the group can hear echoes of shuffling feet in the distance. At one point, they seem to hear the sound of laughter, but it's very faint. Barnabas seems to hear something, a voice saying, "So you've come to die." Robin suggests responding with a "no". During their brief conversation, the voice bids them continue deeper into the mines to become part  of his horde, and indicates that Ten-towns will soon suffer from his machinations.   As they continue deeper, they hear the sounds of zombie hordes closing in on them from multiple sides.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
03 Feb 2022

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