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Session 20 Report

General Summary

The group heads across the tundra toward Bryn Shander. The winds are biting as they spend 6 hours crossing the tundra, with no real interactions with the wildlife.   As they approach Bryn Shander, they realize the gates are shut, which is unusual for them to be closed this early in the day.  Barnabas approaches the gate and knocks. He introduces himself to the guard that pops over the wall, who immediately denies them entrance, claiming the group, specifically, has been banned for opposing him on various matters.   Balbreken tries to bluff his way into the town, by pretending he just met the group on the road, and that he has business with them. The guard asks about the business he claims to have. Balbreken says he has business with a smith relating to clan smith stuff. The guard says business has been banned with the dwarves and that he should head on his way.   Saiph asks Robin about alternate entries, perhaps using disguise self, but they're interrupted by Aenon and Kenny da Goblin walking up. The two walk up and ask what's going on. Upon finding out that everyone is banned from the city, a small discussion about racism from the guards occurs, before Aenon recognizes some of the members are the people they're looking for. They ask for the group's help in kicking some pirates out of Easthaven/Lac Dinneshere. The group doesn't seem to be very interested in helping until Aenon mentions the black ice ram on the pirates' ship.   The group agrees to help, since they're unable to get into Bryn Shander, and they all head toward Easthaven, arriving around midnight. Balbreken knows that there is a dwarf smith in the town, named Rurden, who may be able to give some more information on the goings on. The group stays at the inn while Aenon and Kenny head to their ship for the night, agreeing to meet at Finnegan's Dock the next morning.   The group heads out around the town early to find out from other townsfolk about the black ice and goings on. Barnabas asks about Vaelish Gant/Bryn Shander happenings and overhears that Vaelish Gant initiated a vote of no confidence in Speaker Duvessa Shane and then gathered support and became the new speaker, taking over the town.   Saiph discovers that a ship known as the Howling Fiend recently heralded the rise of piracy in the area, and many townsfolk talk with trepidation about the black ice or crystal ram on the front of the ship. It's only been about a month since it arrived, but has increased the tensions in the three lake-towns.   Balbreken heads to Rurden's Armory to meet the smith. He fills the dwarf in on the black ice and happenings in the valley. He leaves the group's name out, simply mentioning that some adventurer's dealt with Baerick and mentions the Bryn Shander land-buyers, finishing up with being shot at by Bryn Shander. Rurden mentions he's heard Bryn Shander has been having troubles - a fool human came with a protection racket recently. He claims the pirates are just humans taking advantage of the lack of marshals amongst the fisherfolk. He suggests speaking with the Speaker, who has been asking for help against the pirates and may have more information.   The "crazed-folk touched mad by the winter" is heard by the group as a rumor while they're out fishing for information. The only information Saiph could learn is Davrick Fain began apocalyptic preachings about Auril's wrath.   The group does some shopping, with Saiph picking up a medicine kit, before heading to Finnegan's Dock to meet up with Kenny and Aenon. They come across Kenny trying to write an anthem. They decide to visit the Speaker and see if they can get more information from him about the pirates.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
07 Jun 2022

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