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Session 7 Report

General Summary

After the Reghed victory party and a restful sleep, the group decided to head out toward the Dwarven Valley to check up on Helda as promised. Soren has a bad feeling about the Dwarven Valley and decides to head back to Bryn Shander instead, planning on parting ways with the group near the Lonelywood.   They head out from the Elk Tribe encampment at the Evermelt, having grown mostly accustomed to the freezing snow. As they pass an area of rocky outcroppings, something catches Saiph's attention - the faintest sound of something scraping against stone. Before the group can react, the cries of Yeti echo through the area as two of them leap from cover to attack the party.   The group quickly moves to defend themselves, though several members take heavy damage from the Yeti attacks. After a tough battle, where they nearly lost Robin, the group manages to defeat the Yeti. Saiph calls down a massive beam of light that blasted one of the Yeti away, its lightly-glowing corpse flopping into the snow. After Robin gasps back to consciousness, ey immediately turn and run away, gaining some distance before ey turned to launch an arrow at the second Yeti, piercing it through the throat at mach speed. Hengar and Mr. BiG finish it off.   As the sun starts to set and the temperature drops, Robin manages to guide the group to a safe, secluded place to camp for the night. Robin passes around some moonshine that ey acquired from one of the Elk Tribe members at the party that is made with some sort of syrup from a tree. Ey tell a story about a competition ey had with another archer, and ey are pretty sure ey won. Barnabas comments on Hengar's antlers and questions if it hurts and how he learned to do it, launching into a complicated description of the human body that Hengar isn't able to understand. Robin also mentions the great Elk spirit that is rumored to be wandering around, as ey want to see it. Saiph pulls out her star crystal and mentions some of the star myths she learned from the tribe people. Hengar points out one of the stars in her star map as being the 'moose' or 'elk' star, based on the circle it seems to make, reminiscent of a startled elk running in circles. Mr. BiG mentions that he danced with a lass that gave him flowers and a bowl of soup at the party.   As the group keeps watch through the night, the howling of wolves could be heard off in the distance by Robin. Ey wake Saiph up, but Saiph doesn't hear the wolves at first. They debate waking the rest of the party, but decide to see if the wolves pass by without noticing them. They push the snow up to create a small igloo type wall to hide the sleeping party.   Barnabas hears the wolves on his watch, closer this time. The hair on the back of his neck stands up and he decides to wake up Hengar. Hengar's bleary state interferes with his ability to accurately determine their location and he goes back to sleep.   On his watch, he can hear the faint displacement of snow on the other side of the encampment wall and the sound of wolves sniffing around, but the precautions taken by the group earlier saves them as the wolves move away into the distance.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
23 Dec 2021

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