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Session 9 Report

General Summary

4 Marpenoth   As the group heads underground in search of trout, Saiph seems a bit nervous as the stars pass out of sight. Halfway through the valley, they find a cave with a significant amount of light spilling out, along with voices echoing. Mr. BiG picks up on the scent of food wafting out of that tunnel. Robin suggests that the group keep any mention of black ice under wraps, and Barnabas acquiesces with a bit more enthusiasm than expected, causing Robin and Saiph to raise their eyes.   The group has to stoop to enter the tunnel, except Mr. BiG. They reach another check point and a dwarf stops them. He asks who the rightful leader of the Valley is, and Robin claims ignorance on Dwarven politics. He shifts the axe to Mr. BiG and receives "Silverstream" as a response, which causes him to relax. When asked, the group explains their purpose of traveling into the Valley. He agrees to let them in and gives them directions to reach Silverstream.   After travel through the low tunnels, they finally reach Stokely and Helga's presence and after summary greetings, Stokely introduces himself and asks the group to introduce themselves, as he may have need of their services. He then explains the troubles in the Valley, particularly Baerick Hammerstone's recent secession to the other side of the valley with his like-minded dwarves after a falling out with Stokely ten days ago. The western side, under Stokely's control, is plagued by the risen dead, both ancient and recent. The most recent attack on their mining expeditions left no survivors.   Robin asks if this is only happening on the west side of the valley, and Stokely says it seems to originate from the northwest side of the valley, and he's unsure if the east side is dealing with the same issues as their communications have broken down. Mr. BiG clarifies the timeline and confirms that the undead attacks began before the schism of the dwarves, but Robin argues that Baerick could still be involved. Ey ask if Stokely has any theories on the cause of the undead attacks. He mentions a dark presence in the mines and offers a reward of 100 gold each if the group is willing to enter the mines and clear the undead threat, and if they find a necromancer, rid the Valley of him. Robin asks, on Saiph's prompting, if Stokely has heard of the Ice Witch, given her necromantic abilities with the ice dragon, but while he's heard of the name, he doesn't believe her to have any influence on the Valley.   Saiph also prompts Robin to ask more about the Black Ice, mentioning that they seem extremely possessive of it. Stokely says that the ice has never felt quite right; that it makes his beard hair stand on end. He mentions that he noticed Baerick's odd changes happening after he'd returned with the black ice. Robin asks where the black ice comes from -- it is from outside the valley, as Baerick had been hired by an Luskan wizard and brought it back when he returned from that expedition. Barnabas remembers from his studies that Luskan wizards came up here in the past, and that necromantic powers wouldn't be out of character for them.   Stokely asks them to try to persuade Baerick to turn back from his destructive path, and he will give them an extra 250 gold and a favor of Clan Battlehammer in return. He hopes they can avoid bloodshed as they are still members of the clan, and an unknown dwarf nearby interjects that he will persuade Baerick with the thick end of his hammer. Robin asks if he is a fellow adventurer, and he denies it, claiming he's simply a blacksmith that wishes to return some people from the black ice. He's wearing an old blacksmith apron covering rusty chainmail and a matted fur cloak. Clan symbols and trinkets hanging from his beard. He appears to have been living in squalor for a while, ever since his clan started to turn on him.   Robin asks if he would be willing to lead them through the mines, rather than asking Helda. He agrees, wanting to regain the honor of his clan. Mr. BiG introduces himself and asks for the dwarf's name, which is Balbrekn Goblinbelch. Mr. BiG introduces the rest of the group to Balbrekn in turn. Saiph hesitantly asks if the nickname he suggested to them was related to Bhaal, but he clarifies that it's "just one A, one L".   The group asks if Bal has any recommendations for trout-based food locations. He says he does, but that they shouldn't judge it by its appearance; it's his favorite location. They head out, with Robin keeping an eye out for anyone selling potions of healing. She finds one dwarf selling a potion for 75 gold.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
20 Jan 2022

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