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Session 5 Report

General Summary

The group discusses their next steps and decide to drop Helda off at the entrance to the Dwarven Valley, after she assures them that she shouldn't have much trouble getting into the valley, before heading north to aid Hengar's tribe.   They set out into the morning air and quickly reach the slopes leading down toward the Valley. After wishing Helda good luck on her further journeys, they set off toward the north toward the edge of the Lonelywood Forest, aiming for the nearby river that will lead them to the Elk Tribe camp.   A sudden turn in the wind slows the group down as they brace themselves against the biting wind. Robin and Hengar look around for a shelter, and Robin finds a large overhang under which the group can build a decent shelter from the sudden turn in the weather. With Sorren keeping constant watch, the group takes turns sleeping or keeping him company. On Mr. BiG's watch, a heavy thump sounds from the overhang above the camp. Based on the sounds, he suspects it to be a bear and wakes Hengar. Hengar confirms and quickly helps wake the rest of the party, miming a bear. Barnabas suspects it to be a brown bear, and whispers that if they stay silent, it should pass them by, unless it's very hungry.   The bear's hearing was better than Barnabas suspected, and it rushed to the edge of the overhang then dropped down in front of the group. Sorren fires off a couple of shots, while Hengar rushes up to attack but his swing goes wide. A ringing of bells echoes within the small alcove and the bear recoils in pain. A single shot from Robin drops the bear to the ground, its blood steaming out onto the snow. Robin quickly sets about dressing the carcass, adding its meat and hides to their supply of rations.   With the weather slowing them down, they will need yet another day of travel before reaching the Elk Tribe camp, so they find a small copse of trees and set up camp for the night. They share some of their fondest memories over their evening meal.   As they set out the third day out on the tundra, a strong storm blows in and they have to hunker down to wait out the weather. Mr. BiG and Hengar suffer the worst of it, and the exhaustion of fighting against the storm is evident on their faces the next morning.   After a few more hours, they reach the Elk Tribe camp. It is a circular camp of tents constructed from hides and fallen logs. The camp bustles with activity, unusual for this early in the morning. Hengar rushes forward, asking two of his friends what's going on. They mention a Bear Tribe attack and point the group toward Folnor, who confirms the attack was led by the Bear tribe, in league with the Ice Witch. It seems she plans to sacrifice them to Auril at the Evermelt. The group agrees to help rescue the tribesmen and discusses the attack plans with Folnor.   Two older men approach the attack party to address them, welcoming the group's aid.   Barnabas asks Hengar who the two men are, and who Folnor is. Robin asks if the Bear tribe is normally at odds with the Elk tribe, and if he's heard news of the Wolf and Tiger tribes joining the Ice Witch as well. Robin offers eir aid in tracking to Folnor, and he agrees, asking em to stay with him at the front of the pack.   After another hour of preparation, the group sets out toward the Evermelt. The large band of barbarians move very quickly through the snow, though Mr. BiG and Hengar lag behind due to the exhaustion from the previous night. As night approaches, they set up camp as it is too dangerous to travel due to the temperature and creatures. Robin and Hengar explain to the rest of the group what the Evermelt is and what it means to the tribes, as well as it being an entrance to the dead dragon Icingdeath's lair.   The next morning, as they cross the remaining tundra, a group of wolves attacks the group but the size of the barbarian party is enough to easily dispatch the wolf pack with little trouble. The attack party gathers at the bottom of the hill leading toward the Evermelt for one last pep talk, then Folnor lets out a whoop and the barbarians charge forward up the hill, the group mixed in with them. An answering whoop sounds from the top of the hill, and the sound of loosed bowstrings echoes down along with the heavy thumps of falling boulders, thrown by the Bear tribesmen.   Battle ensues as arrows and boulders rain down on the advancing Elk tribesmen. Saiph is hit dead on by one of the larger boulders and falls behind due to her wounds. Mr. BiG is knocked off his feet by another boulder, but manages to pull himself up out of the snow to continue climbing.   As they crest the hill overlooking the bowl the Evermelt lies in, they see the turquoise waters and a small camp on its shore. A gathering of warriors stands at the front of the camp. A larger man in the midst points at Barnabas with his sword, "You're mine."   Hengar rushes forward to engage Wolvig, the king of the Bear tribe, and the battle begins. A critical blow from Wolvig drops Hengar to the ground at his feet.   A thunderwave from Barnabas flings Hengar's unconscious body flying, along with the Bear king's. The rest of the warriors are severely wounded, but one of the Bear warriors manages to retaliate with one solid blow on Barnabas that drops him unconscious.   Healing spells from Saiph and Mr. BiG bring them back into the fight, where the group quickly finishes off the rest of the Bear tribe elite warriors. Nearby, the rest of the Elk tribe party gathers around, triumphant over the Bear tribesmen.


Childhood memories shared around the campfire: Mr. BiG -- Sorren -- Him and his brother out on the trail.. he doesn't remember the details, just the feeling of being out and away from civilization. Saiph -- Robin -- Going on trips along the Shengarne River with eir grandma, learning how to hunt, fish and track from her, along with skijoring. Barnabas -- He's not used to camping or spending time outdoors, as he's more used to fancy restaurants and swanky living. Hengar -- The first time he rode a reindeer and what it felt like to tame it.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
03 Nov 2021

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