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Session 21 Report

General Summary

The group heads to converse with Speaker Waylen about the goings on in the Ten-Towns. Robin comments on Vaelish Gant's takeover and attack on the dwarves, suggesting he thinks he is Ten-Towns itself. Speaker Waylen is very much not in agreement with Gant's plans. Problems with the dwarves is the last thing the Ten-Towns needs right now, he claims. When Robin asks about the problems in Easthaven, he mentions the big black ram that he believes they dock in one of the Caers. Balbreken asks about their tactics, which he says they tend to strike hard and fast with the ram, from within the mist or snow.   Waylen says he has a pretty good plan for the pirates - the sell-swords and guards of Easthaven are out on the lake hoping to catch the pirates by surprise. Balbreken brings up a surprise plan of barrels of rocks tied to the ship to weigh it down and then cut the barrels loose when it starts to ram, so their boat quickly shifts out of the way. The group plans to head out to join the other ships out on the lake, preparing for the ambush.   They quickly gather 5g worth of ballast and attach it to the boat, then set sail out onto the lake, with Barnabas and Balbreken below decks as they don't look like pirates. As the Fancy Damsel sails around, blending in, several of the group notice that some of the ships are heading back to port, so the group decides to straggle, since they know the pirates tend to go for stragglers.   As they meander around, they see a huge explosion come from town, near the Market Square and Town Hall. The group quickly drops the ballast, though Kenny da Goblin is disappointed at immediately losing 5g, and heads back to town. The ship makes pretty decent time back to the docks, and by the time they reach port, a decent amount of Easthaven has been set ablaze.   The group doesn't see any ship matching the Howling Fiend's description, though they do spot two ships leaving port early, one of them being the Tundra Hawk. They quickly decide to ram one of the ships, with Aenon working in tandem with Kenny to guide the ship at a quick speed. A man with a crazy eye yells for his crew to take these 'heroes' out. Kenny da Goblin and Aenon recognize some of them as crew members of the Howling Fiend.   The two groups engage in combat. Kenny manages to shove Derrick off the gangplank between the ships, Barnabas cast a Shatter across the ship, and Robin finished one of them off, while Aenon blew two of the thugs off the ship with a Gust of Wind.

Legacy of the Crystal Shard

Robin Goodfellow

Neutral Good Human (Wilderness Guide)
Ranger 4
27 / 27 HP

Mr. BiG

Cleric 2
Paladin 2
0 / 0 HP
Report Date
14 Jun 2022

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