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Session 7: The Hunt for Hargram

General Summary

Over the course of two weeks the party split ways to spend money in town for their preparation of their journey to Berghest. Ginger and Askaladd have joined a secret wizard society within the town where they can learn new spells as well as some interesting lore related to magic. Valthurg spent time at an axe to grind where Korg enchanted the river drake head that Valthurg has been carrying with him since their first mission. Vendar recieves a dream from Sehanine Moonbow in which she tells him that the fate of the world may very well rest in the palms of these 4 adventurers. Sehanine then enchants Vendars necklace with an Illusory creature spell as a reward for his reluctance towards murder-hoboish tendencies. Ginger's tail recieves an upgrade increasing his flight speed. Ginger also over the course of the two weeks turned his tail into a guitar as his bard dedication. As for Askaladd, his flayleaf pipe was enchanted by an ancient spirit, Alces, that has been connected to him since he was young. This enchantment gives him the ability to talk to animals for 10 minutes until the effects of his flayleaf kick in.   After those 2 weeks of preparation the party embarks on the longest journey they have traveled together, 3 weeks to Berghest. When they meet everyone is excited to share their new equipment and cool upgrades. Valthurg is clueless to Ginger's new upgrades and thinks Ginger has recieved a haircut. Vendar walks up to the party as the last one to arrive, He was actually hiding in a bush waiting for everyone. When Valthurg shows his newly refined battle axe to Vendar, Vendar accidentally knicks his finger on the blades edge and dissappears. Baffled by this event the party is confused when all of a sudden, Vendar walks up behind them and wraps his arms around Valthurg and Gingers shoulder's, What an awkard height difference. They then make their way onto the horses provided to them by the Mayor and leave town for Berghest. On their first day Ginger begins to strum his guitail with twangy rythm as the horse he is riding rocks back and forth. They experience a wildlife phenomna where the plants around them began to dance to Ginger's guitail playing. Askaladd himself begins to do the robot, dancing with the plant life around him. Valthurg once again compliments Ginger's haircut.   Later on after their first day of travel, the party makes camp and sits around discussing their thoughts about Hargram. They are rudely interrupted by several mosquitos flying around until they are attacked by an incoming swarm. Ginger panicks and tells Valthurg to use his new weapon which burns many of the mosquito's, yet Ginger finished the rest of them off with another flame spell. A few days go by with only the sight of a distant Tornado in their wake. This tornado passed them noisily but harmlessly during the night. As they continued their travels the party met a young girl named Mary Stoneswarn who claims that she has killed 5 Chimera on her own and wants help killing one more about half a day out of the party's way. They follow Mary to the top of a small mountainside where the large Chimera lay's resting in its cave.   Askaladd attempting to prevent the needless death of a wild creature attempts to ask it to change it's hunting grounds elsewhere so that traveler's as well as the Chimera are no longer under threat. This is unsuccessful and provokes the Chimera to attack dealing a good amount of damage to Askaladd. Mary attempts to make a strike only to miss, drop her sword, and start crying, she has never killed a Chimera. The party then begins to flee, Askaladd picking up Mary and taking her to safety. Once they escape Mary makes her way back home and the party continues their journey to Berghest.   During the next few days the party is only attacked by 2 ravens upon which Ginger explodes one midair and Askaladd tells the other one to flee so that it is not killed as well. They also came across 2 small ponies stuck in a small ravine and freed them, Valthurg was sad because he wanted one to eat but instead they were let go. Later that night the party had found the perfect camp site where there was a beautiful sky, luscious green trees surround them, and the ground is perfectly soft. The party lays under the beautiful sky and discusses the possible origins of the stars. Ginger also ate some Glowshroom which made him glow a radiant emerald green color. He flew around far up in the sky and appeared as a shooting star that could be seen for miles.   After some time into their journey the party noticed that they are being followed by someone, judging by his movements Vendar believes this pursuer is an assassin. They confront the man named Deldrin to find that he was in fact an assassin sent from Berghests Assassin's Guild. Revealing more information than he should have Deldrin then bites into his "cyanide tooth" and dies before the players can learn any more information. This causes a new plan to surface and the party will be going to the assassin's guild in town before going to the graveyard a week after they arrive.   Ginger and his classic trait of drinking and eating random stuff decides to drink the poison that Deldrin was carrying around. this gives him severe mouth sores and sickens him quite terribly for the rest of the journey to Berghest. As Gingers impatience grows to reach Berghest they do not run into anymore events that could have been worth while, but it's too late now. Their remaining travels bring them over a small hill where in the distance they can see the large trade city. A large mint green statue stands tall over the city walls with a telescope to it's eyes peering out towards the sea.   Ginger tells them that this is Tartaris Stargazer, the sailor that led the expedition 100 years ago to find Berghest. Ginger also knows that supposedly the leaders of this town are corrupt, yet no-one can prove these claims. Soon after arriving in town the party finds a job posting on the town billboard with the same symbol that was on Deldrin's assassin pendant. The posting says "job needed, you know what to do". The party plans to wait for someone to grab the posting and then follow them to where they might find the guild. Valthurg Spends their first night at the bar getting into a brawl with the bar patron. This brawl was accepted by the patron as a mutual test of strength upon which Valthurg emerged victorious.

Abadan 2.0 Campaign


Level 1 Barbarian.
26 / 26

Vendar Shalos

Level 1 Rogue.
18 / 18
Report Date
24 May 2023

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