Session III: Lullaby of Phobos Report

General Summary

After fighting the ogre the party ran into in the cave outside Aigos, the party continued north in their search for Satake. Eventually they reached the Kokytos river, discovering a clearing near the waters edge, with a large building. This turned out to be Acheron's Ferry & Goods, where the party met an old man named Acheron. After asking about Satake, they were told that she had rented a boat from him and headed down the river. The party quickly gave him the drachma for another vessel and pursued her. After traveling south for most of the day, the party spotted her boat in the bushes at the edge of a forest in Meti. The party stopped the boat and Artemis caught Satake's trail into the forest. After pursuing her for half an hour, the party started to feel a strange panic setting in. Cherry used her Wand of Magic Detection and saw a mass of shadows swirling around the forest, centered on the party. They tried to press on, but soon the terror overtook Cherry, and she suddenly lost conciousness. Diggins picked her up and they continued pursuing Satake after Snuffkin used the wand to see that the darkness was suffocating Cherry. While Cherry was unconcious, she found herself in a strange vision. The ground collapsed around her, and as she ran she found Satake but was unable to approach. Satake was unable to hear her, and was seen rewrapping her wounds and cursing out at something Cherry was unable to see. Soon Cherry heard the strange deep voice that the party had encountered in their first battle with Satake. It spoke threateningly to Satake, then laughed and told her that the party was almost here. Satake panicked, putting out her campfire, grabbing her belongings and running into the darkness. Soon Cherry regained conciousness, and led the party to Satake's campsite. Artemis picked up on the trail again, and the party chased her into the dark forest, where eventually they caught up with her on a worn Metian road. Cherry stepped forward as the party confronted her, telling her about the vision she'd seen, and asking Satake for more information. Several times Satake tried to tell them valuable information, but seemed unable to speak out against the deep voice. Satake had Cherry swear to kill her, which Cherry agreed to, before the battle began. Satake, seemingly more attuned to Phobos than she had been previously, summoned ancient broken blades from the forest around them, which began to spin around her. She managed to get out a warning to the party not to come too close. The party engaged her, and though Satake was fighting against the voice, it kept overpowering her and using powerful attacks to nearly kill members of the party. Eventually the party wore her down, and with an arrow to the neck from Cherry, she fell. As soon as she was down, Cherry attacked with her sword to finish her off, doing heavy damage. Phobos crumbled to dust at this point, causing the rest of the party to pull her off of Satake, who was no longer moving. The party healed her on the brink of death, preventing her from dying, but unable to wake her from her coma. After arguing for a few minutes, the party decided to camp here for the night, watching Satake in shifts. When the sun rose without her waking up again, the party took her back to the boat to search for a healer, and when they arrived, they found a stack of bandages, clothes, the 5 drachma they had paid Acheron, and the paperwork for ownership of the boat.

Rewards Granted

  • 5 bandages
  • 4 fine outfits
  • Acheron's sailing penteconter
  • 5 drachma

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Acheron's Ferry: 10 xp
  • Chasing the Unwilling Champion: 10 xp
  • Pursuit of Satake: 5 xp
  • Discover the Truth: 10 xp
  • Confronting the Killer: 15 xp
  • Fall of Phobos: 25 xp
  • Blood Pact: 10 xp
  • Acheron's Refund: 15 xp
  Total: 100 xp

Character(s) interacted with

Acheron, Unknown, Satake, Phobos

The Arrow of Avarice
Report Date
28 Jan 2024
Primary Location

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