
The region of Eleutheri is home to many smaller nations or kingdoms. All nations within Eleutheri share the same religion, and have fairly similar climates, with hot & dry summers and mild & humid winters.  




The most renowned region of Eleutheri, home to Aegos, as well as three kingdoms blessed by the gods:
  • Antios, land of invention and philosophy, blessed by Antiope
  • Meti, a warrior state blessed by Methias
  • Necropolis, the home of outcasts, blessed by Antikles.


The largest region of Eleutheri, home to the following nations:
  • Kallus, a wild state blessed by Kallisto
  • Phoebus, an agricultural nation blessed by Phoebe
  • Hypos, blessed by Hypenor
  • Elis, blessed by Elatos & Methias, host of the Elation Games (the competition of strength)
  • Galatos, blessed by Galatea, host of the Galian Games (the competition of magic), and member of the Empyrian Senate
  • Soteria, blessed by Sotera

The Byzirans

Also known as the Byziri Isles, this region is made up of the many islands that make up the southern part of Eleutheri.
  • The most famous, Theratos, blessed by Theras & Antiope, host of the Theratian Games (the competition of craft)
  • Megosia is in ruins after the fall of Aegos.
  • Lesvous, blessed by Phyrrha, home of poets
  • Latus
  • Eos, member of the Empyrian Senate
  • Demesos
  • Helea
  • Astea
  • Assyma, at war with Naxetus
  • Naxetus
  • Elapolis, known for healing springs
  • Empyria, center of the Empyrian Senate
  • Golgiri
  • Amesia


A small independant nation, annihilated in the Assymian War.

Articles under Eleutheri

Cover image: by Sylvian Lorgeou


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