Session II: Of Avians & Larceny Report

General Summary

After resting to recover from the fight with Satake, the party journeyed west, finally locating Aigos. As they entered town, the party noticed an extravagant building, marked as Leo's Sundry. Inside, the party met the tiefling known as Leo, who they warned of the Sacratean invasion. As he began packing his shop up, the party described the black xiphos that Satake stole from Epidae and wielded against them. He didn't recognize thier description of her, but the blade sounded familiar. As he searched through his books for an answer, Cherry tricked Snuffkin to distract him as she swiped a silver wand. He located the book he read about the blade in, and told the party about an ancient battle between the First Crusaders and the Eleutherian Covenant. He described how on the Fields of War, the two sides fought until the goddess Entropia appeared in the mortal realm, annihilating 200,000 soldiers. This ended both the battle and the First Crusade, and in the wake of her destruction, the only thing left on the field was a strange xiphos. It was described to be as dark as the night, eminating a baleful aura, like the one stolen by Satake. Leo expressed his concern over the blade's potential reappearance, referring to it as Phobos. He told the party that in exchange for this information, he expected them to put a stop to her destruction, and told them that he would consider helping them in the near future. The party asked him to warn anyone he could about the approaching Sacrateans, and he quickly agreed to spread the word. The party departed from Aigos, heading north in an attempt to follow Satake's trail. Unsure of how to procede, some of the party climbed a tree to scout where to go, spotting a camp to the north and a cave to their west. They checked the camp, discovering a pack of gnolls who nearly discovered the party. The group retreated, heading to the cave in the west. They explored inside, discovering an ogre, who they engaged. After a battle full of mishaps, they dispatched the ogre.

Rewards Granted

  • Wand of Magic Detection: This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action to cast the detect magic spell from it. The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
  • Feather Pin of Fanning: If you are on a boat or ship, you can use an action to toss the token up to 10 feet in the air. The token disappears, and a giant flapping fan takes its place. The fan floats and creates a wind strong enough to fill the sails of one ship, increasing its speed by 5 miles per hour for 8 hours. You can dismiss the fan as an action.
  • Feather Pin of Anchoring: You can use an action to touch the token to a boat or ship. For the next 24 hours, the vessel can't be moved by any means. Touching the token to the vessel again ends the effect. When the effect ends, the token disappears.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Shielded City: 15 xp
  • Searching for Clues: 10 xp
  • Friendly Fire: 5 xp
  • This Could Be Useful...: 10 xp
  • Crusaders & Covenants: 15 xp
  • Half of the Story Revealed: 10 xp
  • A Warning for Eleutheri: 20 xp
  • Scout the Trail: 5 xp
  • The Death of Onk: 20 xp
  Total: 110

Character(s) interacted with

Leo, Onk

The Arrow of Avarice
Report Date
21 Jan 2024
Primary Location

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