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The Realm of the Sea Princes

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Exandria
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Supporting Cast
  • Sergeant Kel Brightwood
    Handsome, friendly, dual wielder. Part of the Saltmarsh guard Kel was assigned as an escort to the party
  • Ora
    Revered Paladin of the Changebringer, Ora was once a loyal member of the party. She died protecting the crew from the pirate prince Helios
  • Shen Nailo
    Tall, Quiet, and kind. Shen is the other guard assigned to assist the party by the Saltmarsh council. He is an excellent shot with a bow and a skilled ranger. He is quiet and often speaks using sign language.
  • Captain Xendros Iuz
    Proud, respected, and powerful Xendros runs a thriving trade business along the Lucidian Coast. She has many connections and knows much about the goings on along the coast.

Sessions Archive

1st Sep 2019

Session 9: Onward to Stilben

The party has discovered evidence that Gellan Primewater may have fled to Stilben. In their hunt for information on the Pirate Prince Helios they prepare their allies and prepare their ship to disembark. Xaryn also found rumor that the party’s friend Captain Xendros may have traveled that way as well.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


The Darling Bringer of Death Sansire Ravenbrooke

Xaryn (Reverence) Regoza-Strauss

Level 5 Tiefling Chaotic Neutral Bard
/ 44 HP

Bleeder of Flame Jackal

Level 5 Tiefling Lawful neutral Blood Hunter
(Haunted One)
/ 54 HP

Sailor Isla Nehelennia

Protector of the Tides Oceanus Manaan